Re: Proxy detection

From: Michel Arboi (arboiat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 05 2002 - 16:24:57 PST

  • Next message: Georges Dagousset: "Re: A couple NASLs for simple CGI traversals"

    H D Moore <hdmat_private> writes:
    > There are some slight differences between Dante and MS Proxy when it
    > comes to the SOCKS 5 support.
    You mean that Dante does not support the MS winsock proxy?
    > The Netscape browser seems to be able to work with either
    Once I looked at Netscape, at it was using SOCKS4. Did this change, or
    can it adapt?
    > Trying to connect to an internal network is going to be tricky, no matter 
    > which set of address you use to test, theres a good chance youre still going 
    > to miss about half of the networks being used.
    I thought of something like trying to connect to a couple of RFC 1918
    addresses. I agree that this will not cover all private networks, but
    it will be better than nothing...
    A "good" proxy should return "permission denied" for any RFC1918
    > This would also falesly trigger when the scan is being run on the internal 
    > network.
    Yes. However, the proxy should not be used to connect an internal
    machine to an internal server.
    I agree that a "clean" test is tricky in NASL. It should take three IP
    address into account: the nessusd machine, the target machine, and the
    external interface (if we could find it)
    > The current HTTP proxy checks look good, might want to add Apache 
    > reverse-proxy detection too
    Looks nice, for information gathering.

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