Re: A couple NASLs for simple CGI traversals

From: Georges Dagousset (georges.dagoussetat_private)
Date: Mon Jan 07 2002 - 01:30:17 PST

  • Next message: Felix Huber: "Re: A couple NASLs for simple CGI traversals"

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Brad Caldwell" <bradat_private>
    To: "Georges Dagousset" <georges.dagoussetat_private>; "Felix Huber"
    <huberfelixat_private>; <plugins-writersat_private>
    Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 8:07 PM
    Subject: RE: A couple NASLs for simple CGI traversals
    > Boot.ini should be there.
    > Did you try using the attrib command?
    NO :(
    > attrib boot*
    It works with attrib ;-)
    > Boot.ini is a hidden, system file so you won't see it with a basic dir
    > command.
    Question: If this file is hidden, can we use it for CGI traversals?

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