NDS Object Enumeration Plugin

From: Forrest Rae (forrest.rae@code-lab.com)
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 11:14:44 PDT

  • Next message: Forrest Rae: "NDS Object Enumeration Plugin"

    Sorry for the cross post.  Discussion about this plugin should be sent 
    to the "plugins-writers" list.
    This plugin checks for the "Object Enumeration in Novell Environments" 
    vulnerability found by Simple Nomad, and works on Novell Netware 
    servers running NCP over IP (Servers with port 524/TCP open).
    Also, I wrote a small presentation on plugin authoring, and used this 
    plugin as an example.
    For more information on this vulnerability see: 
    Presentation can be found here:
    Forrest Rae
    pgp: http://www.code-lab.com/fbr.asc

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