Re: Major remote root vunerability found in sendmail

From: Renaud Deraison (deraisonat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 13:31:46 PST

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: Feature Request"

    On Mon, Mar 03, 2003 at 01:26:31PM -0800, Steven Procter wrote:
    > The following regular expression:
    > .*Sendmail.*(Switch\-((1\.)|(2\.(0\.|1\.[0-4])))|(\/|UCB | )([5-7]|8\.([0-9](\.|;|$)|1[01]\.|12\.[0-7](\/| |\.|\+)))).*
    > Matches the following string (which I constructed from a sendmail
    > server's output but believe should not be considered vulnerable):
    > ESMTP Sendmail 8.12.8/SuSE Linux 0.6; Mon, 3 Mar 2003 5:17:17 -0800
    > Because it thinks that the 5 in 5:45:18 is the version of the
    > sendmail.  That is the ".*" after Sendmail consumes everything through
    > "2003" and then the " 5" is matched by "(\/|UCB | )([5-7]...".
    > In other words, the regular expression will generate false positives
    > for this server between 5 and 7 in the morning.
    > Following is a little nasl script which exhibits the problem.  Try
    > changing the time from 5 to 8...
    > --Steven
    > --- cut here ---
    > re = ".*Sendmail.*(Switch\-((1\.)|(2\.(0\.|1\.[0-4])))|(\/|UCB | )([5-7]|8\.([0-9](\.|;|$)|1[01]\.|12\.[0-7](\/| |\.|\+)))).*";
    Fixed. The re is missing a \. after [5-7]
    			-- Renaud, grokking the regexp

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