On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 06:04:47PM -0400, George Theall wrote: > Hopefully, my plugin works as intended and can be included amongst the > plugins distributed through nessus.org. Comments? Flames? Some comments : > include("http_func.inc"); You should also include http_keepalive.inc to make http keep-alive connections where possible. > # nb: while nasl will auto-negotiate SSL, Apache on port 443 > # will often accept non-SSL connections but not understand > # the request so I force SSL to get around this problem. > encaps = ENCAPS_IP; > if (port == 443) { > encaps = ENCAPS_SSLv23; > } find_services.nes will force SSL negociation, so when the plugin is not run in standalone mode, this should be a non-issue and should be removed. > > # Search for page in a couple of different locations. > # nb: "webmail" is not a standard but is commonly used. > dirs = make_list("", "/imp", "/horde/imp", "/webmail"); You should include cgi_dirs() as well. cgi_dirs() returns an array of locations where webmirror.nasl found CGI scripts. > foreach d (dirs) { > if (debug) display("debug: testing ", string(d, "/test.php...\n")); > get = http_get(item:string(d, "/test.php"), port:port); > soc = open_sock_tcp(port, transport:encaps); Avoid an open_sock_tcp() in a foreach() when dealing with HTTP. Against a SSL server this creates a lot of un-necessary overhead. > if (soc) { > send(socket:soc, data:get); > code = recv_line(socket:soc, length:4096); > if (debug) display("debug: code=>>", code, "<<\n"); > if (ereg(pattern:"^HTTP/[0-9]\.[0-9] 200 .*", string:code)) { > x = http_recv(socket:soc); > http_close_socket(soc); Why look for a code 200 in that case ? Since you're looking for "<li>IMP:" already, it only peforms an un-necessary regex call which could be avoided. > # nb: version number is preceded by "<li>IMP: ". > x = strstr(x, "<li>IMP: "); > if (debug) display("debug: x =>>", x, "<<\n"); > if (x) { > # nb: ignore "<li>IMP: " to get to start of version number. > start = substr(x, 9); > end = strstr(x, "</li>"); > vers = start - end; > if (debug) display("debug: vers =>>", vers, "<<\n"); > if (ereg(pattern:"3\.(0|1|2|2\.1)", string:vers)) { You probably want to add [^0-9] somewhere at the end of the check. Also, are versions older than 3.x vulnerable to the XSS as well ? If so, your regex should be : ereg(pattern:"[^0-9]([0-2]\..*|3\.([01]\..*|2\.[01])[^0-9])", Which is better. > security_hole(port); > # nb: no sense testing any further. > break; You can directly exit(0), that's even better. Attached is a copy of what your code should be like.
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