[Plugins-writers] plugins for various virii/worms

From: Harry Hoffman (hhoffman@ip-solutions.net)
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 09:19:40 PST

  • Next message: Renaud Deraison: "Re: [Plugins-writers] plugins for various virii/worms"

    I'm new to the list and have tried googling but haven't come up with an answer
    to this question:
    Are other people writing plugins for the various worms/virii that come and go on
    the internet? In the plugins directory I see some but not many. Do people
    consider this a worthwhile venture? I know that the various vendors sometimes
    release tools to determine whether a machine may be infected (or infect-able).
    The reason I ask is this: We have users who wind up going into a default VLAN
    when it's discovered that they are infected. I would like to be able to
    write/use plugins to scan and ensure that they are no longer vulnerable to what
    they originally got shut off for.
    Harry Hoffman
    # Harry: version 4.0a                                            #
    # Known bugs:                                                    #
    # 1) Verbal output may occur before data processing is complete. #
    # 2) Loudspeaker option may activate without being invoked.      #
    # 3) Other bugs as reported                                      #
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