Re: [Plugins-writers] plugins for various virii/worms

From: Renaud Deraison (deraison@private)
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 10:06:39 PST

  • Next message: Michel Arboi: "Re: [Plugins-writers] plugins for various virii/worms"

    On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 12:19:40PM -0500, Harry Hoffman wrote:
    > Are other people writing plugins for the various worms/virii that come and go on
    > the internet? 
    Yes and no. Regarding virii, we usually cover the most annoying ones,
    but we don't intend to have 100% coverage on every kind of virus out
    there - this is tempting but this clearly is not the job Nessus should
    be taking care of, mostly because it usually requires a lot of time and
    resources to keep track of every virus du jour.
    Same thing for worms - the most critical are detected, and we try to
    focus on detecting the vectors they can be using rather than determining
    if the host is infected yet (very often that's irrelevant - if the
    vector is here getting infected is a matter of days or hours).
    However feel free to submit plugins in that area - I'll be happy to
    commit them to CVS.
    				-- Renaud
    Plugins-writers mailing list

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