Re: [Plugins-writers] Extracting info from the Windows registry

From: Doug Nordwall (raleel@private)
Date: Fri Dec 15 2006 - 06:39:08 PST

It should be along the lines of

computername = get_kb_item("

which is where the name of the computer is kept.

you will likely need to have


somewhere at the beginning. Another way to handle it would be to do
something like what is found in the smb_reg_loginscreen.nasl script, which
is pretty much the exact same thing (querying a single key and getting a
value) only using System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName
as the key and "Computer Name" as the item

that's actually a pretty handy thing. Useful for writing some other things
like "why is your machine name and dns name not the same".

On 12/14/06, Morris, Philip (JSY) <Philip.Morris@private> wrote:
>  Hi,
> I have had many abortive attempts at trying to get report using the
> plug-in mentioned in " Sucking the Machine Name out of the Registry" from
> John Eder in 2004 .
> Does anyone actually have a plug-in that they care to share?  All I am
> trying to do is to extract the computer name from our Windows machines'
> registry to help with our AV audit that we run each week as our current
> naming resolution is a bit ....err .... umm .....on the flaky side ...
> Kind Regards
> Phil
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Doug Nordwall
Unix, Network, and Security Administrator
Noise proves nothing. Often a hen who has merely laid an egg cackles as if
she laid an asteroid. -- Mark Twain

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