Oct. 1, 2001 | Starting today Salon will begin publishing virtually all of its News and Politics articles in our Premium edition. This means that if you don't already subscribe to Salon Premium, you will need to do so in order to keep reading Salon's coverage of the Bush administration and the current global crisis. [...] October 2, 2001 Salon, Magazine on the Web, Will Charge Readers of News By FELICITY BARRINGER The Web magazine Salon, facing sharply lower advertising revenues and increased costs for gathering news, has decided to make its news and political coverage available only to paying subscribers. The goal, said David Talbot, the editor of the six-year-old magazine, is to rely on circulation revenue for half of next year's $7.5 million budget. That goal, an ambitious one by the standard of any magazine, print or online, is an indication of the unremittingly sour climate for Web advertising. Another high-profile online site, Steven Brill's Contentville, quit business on Friday, leaving its 15 employees without jobs. In an e-mail message to the staff, Mr. Brill said, "Despite the great work of the Contentville staff and the great support we had from our partners, my idea for Contentville just didn't work." Contentville allowed readers to go to one site to find and purchase articles from a variety of newspapers and magazines, as well as books, dissertations and other sources. [...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list You may redistribute this message freely if you include this notice. Declan McCullagh's photographs are at To subscribe to Politech: This message is archived at -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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