FC: TV networks reportedly refuse ads endorsing arm-pilots bill

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 06:52:04 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Roger Clarke reviews Microsoft VP's .NET privacy presentation"

    Sen. Bob Smith of New Hampshire has introduced an arm-pilots bill in the 
    Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has introduced it in the House:
    While the networks have the right to refuse this advertisement supporting 
    two bills in Congress -- if the situation is as Frontsight says -- it's 
    still reasonable to ask "why?" An ad supporting (or opposing) legislation 
    is hardly novel, as anyone who has seen those awful electricity/broadband 
    campaigns knows.
    From: measlat_private
    Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 21:06:18 -0500 (CDT)
    To: declanat_private
    Subject: Major Networks Refuse Front Sight's ARM PILOTS Commercial (fwd)
    In case you have any interest..
    J.A. Terranson
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:14:17 -0500 (CDT)
    From: infoat_private
    To: Front, Sight, News, Subscribers
    Subject: Major Networks Refuse Front Sight's ARM PILOTS Commercial
    Please forward this e-mail to pilots, airlines,
    congressional reps, and at least 10 other people that fly
    commercial airlines. Spread this rapidly and world wide. We
    can turn the tables on terrorists  and take back control of
    the skies!
    October 4, 2001
    Dr. Ignatius Piazza
    Fax: 831.684.2137
    e-mail: infoat_private
    Major Networks Refuse Front Sight's ARM PILOTS Commercial
    Las Vegas, Nevada: Major media networks have refused to air
    a 60 second commercial calling for President Bush, the FAA,
    and the airlines to arm commercial pilots.  The commercial,
    to run on prime time slots was produced and sponsored by
    Front Sight Founder's Society.
    Front Sight Firearm Training Institute's Founder and
    Director, Dr. Ignatius Piazza was surprised that major
    networks refused to air a commercial in which Front Sight
    encourages Americans to contact President Bush, the FAA, and
    the airlines to demand that our commercial pilots be armed.
    In the commercial Front Sight also offers to immediately
    train all commercial pilots and co-pilots FREE OF CHARGE
    that are authorized to carry a gun to defend the cockpit
    against terrorists.
    Piazza states, "It is unfortunate that the major networks
    would not air our 60 second commercials aimed at spreading
    the truth that the only solution to forever preventing
    another World Trade Center attack is to give pilots the
    ability and authority to defend the cockpit with a gun.
    Front Sight's solution is simple, efficient, effective and
    will not cost the taxpayers, air passengers, or airlines a
    dime. Our commercial demonstrated how easy and safe it is to
    stop cold a terrorist attempting to invade the doorway of
    the cockpit or take a hostage. Front Sight has the absolute
    solution. We are willing to provide our gift of up to 150
    million dollars in training free of charge and Front Sight
    Founder's Society is spending hundreds of thousands of
    dollars to spread the truth of our solution."
    To view the commercial that major media networks refused to
    air visit Front Sight's web site at
    and support Front Sight's efforts to arm and train our
    commercial pilots by joining Front Sight Founder's Society.
    Front Sight Founder's Society is now producing a new 60
    second commercial to be ready by next week.  Says Piazza,
    "The next commercial, unfortunately must be more politically
    correct to get it aired, but will have the same message to
    arm our pilots and take back control of the skies.  Watch
    for it and support Front Sight's Founder's Society."
    Dr. Ignatius Piazza
    Front Sight
    Front Sight Founders' Society
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