FC: Jim Bell update: "AP" author moved to Lompoc federal prison

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sat Dec 01 2001 - 07:37:14 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: ACLU letter to Congress on Bush military tribunal order"

    Jim Bell photos:
    Day-by-day articles on Jim Bell's trial:
       One of the Internet's most famous essayists is now in
       the same prison that once housed the most famous hacker.
       Jim Bell, the author of Assassination Politics, has been moved to the
       Lompoc ("lahm-poke"), California federal prison. It's the same place
       that convicted cracker Kevin Mitnick once called home.
       "I'm assigned out in the rec yard, the recreation yard, but there's
       really not much work to be done, occasionally picking up a cigarette
       butt or two," says Bell, who was sentenced to 10 years in prison this
       year for allegedly stalking federal agents. Bell says he was trying to
       investigate government wrongdoing.
       Bell describes Lompoc, located between Los Angeles and San Francisco,
       as "old and decrepit, and the place is corrupt and the guards are
       Previously, Bell was being held at the SeaTac prison near Tacoma,
       Washington, where his trial took place.
       Since he's got some time to kill, Bell has busied himself by filing
       civil lawsuits against people he alleges were involved in an
       orchestrated plot to deny him a fair trial and an unbiased,
       court-appointed defense counsel. So far he's targeted two judges, at
       least two prosecutors, and his former probation officers and defense
       Bell says he hasn't had any response yet -- and is going to try to
       obtain a default judgment against the defendants. "I continue to
       remain astonished that I haven't received any answer out of my lawsuit
       yet. It doesn't bother me as long as I collect the money. I think I've
       hit a nerve."
       He's looking forward to "garnishment and putting liens on various
       people's property. If they wanted to write me a check, I'd take a
       check, I guess. But if they want me to go through the usual methods to
       collect it, I'll do that too."
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