FC: Thomas Greene: A Windows hack for web-surfing privacy

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 09 2001 - 18:32:45 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Mirror of "sucks" site criticizing Texas mall, from Wayback archive"

    [I applaud what Thomas is doing -- he says he offers suggestions on how to 
    avoid data retained in a VM swapfile -- though I'd suggest that relying on 
    Windows-IE to guard your privacy is simply insufficient. If you're stuck 
    with Windows, another approach might be to create a PGPdisk volume in which 
    you place your browser's temp files, and configure Opera not to retain data 
    in the first place. --Declan]
    From: "Thomas C. Greene" <tcgreeneat_private>
    To: "Declan@Well. Com" <declanat_private>
    Subject: Windows hack for Web-surfing privacy
    Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 21:16:05 -0500
    I think your Politech subscribers will find this interesting. I've been
    trying to assign the IE browser cache, cookies, typed URLs and history to
    RAM so they're never written to disk.  Of course you can set your browser to
    delete the cache on exit, but there will be traces on the HDD; and you can
    block cookies or use a cookie management program, but blocking them makes
    surfing inconvenient, and cookie managers also leave traces on the HDD. And
    then there's the history, which catalogues your comings and goings for
    Not even the most sophisticated forensics tool can re-construct your surfing
    history if it's never written to disk in the first place. I've come up with
    two rough hacks which accomplish this, one for Windows 95 and 98, and one
    for 2K and XP.  This is pretty beta stuff, admittedly:
    RamSurf for Win-9x
    RamSurf for Win-2K/XP
    Thomas C. Greene
    Washington Bureau Chief
    The Register
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