FC: House approves spy, intelligence, wiretap bill

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 20:29:34 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: DAY4: The strange saga of a Xerox engineer accused of child porn"

    House Passes Intelligence Bill
    2001-12-13 07:10:16
    WASHINGTON (AP) - A new intelligence bill passed unanimously by the House 
    places new emphasis on traditional human spy networks in combatting 
    terrorism. It would increase spending by 8 percent - higher than the 7 
    percent President
    Bush sought. Besides focusing new attention and funding on human spies, it 
    aims to increase the portion of collected data that gets analyzed and 
    turned into useful information.
    The bill would also make it easier to get a roving wiretap, amending a law 
    that requires agents to list the instrument's location. Since roving 
    wiretaps are aimed at moving objects such as cell phones, locations keep 
    changing. Under the bill, if agents don't know where it is, they would not 
    have to list
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