FC: Politech members reply to Fleishman-Hillard PR firm's threats

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 05:39:52 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Orin Kerr replies to John Gilmore: USA PATRIOT Act not that bad!"

    [I'm amazed and impressed by the outpouring of support that my previous 
    message on the Fleishman-Hillard PR firm generated 
    (http://www.politechbot.com/p-03367.html). Thanks, everyone. One note: It 
    is true that network admin Chuck Magner <magnercat_private> is, 
    charitably, a twit. And it is ironic that a puportedly tech-savvy PR firm 
    ("word of mouth makes the difference!") would display such a dazzling lack 
    of clue. But it is not fair to condemn everyone at Fleishman-Hillard for 
    Chuck's we-will-blackhole-you threat. --Declan]
    Subject: RE: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, Politech
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:26:35 -0500
    From: "Paul Higgins" <pahigginsat_private>
    To: <declanat_private>
    Cc: <magnercat_private>, <mccluremat_private>
    Nice one about Jimmy Fallon.  Here's two little words I always like to
    pass on to weenies who think they can push their weight around because
    they work at "the leading" anything: "Bite me."
    I think those two little words aptly express my sentiments towards
    Fleishman-Hillard, and specifically the pond-scum you tangled with,
    quite nicely.  Just think how I'm going to feel the next time something
    produced by Fleishman-Hillard crosses my desk.  Can you say, "I don't
    care who you are, if FH produced it we don't want it?"  Sure you can.
    Sheesh, you'd think employees at a public relations firm, of all things,
    would know better ...
    Paul Higgins
    Madison, Wisconsin
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 13:10:38 -0700 (PDT)
    From: Ben Polen <benpolenat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from 
    well.com,  Politech
    To: declanat_private
    Cc: magnercat_private, mccluremat_private, cravenlat_private,
             Mcclurem2at_private, boudreamat_private, mooneyrat_private
    As a fellow journalist, I am shocked (but, sadly, not
    surprised) that in this information age a PR rep would
    actually want to cut themself off from the wonderful
    technology news resource that is Politech! How sad! How
    self-destructive! How stupid!
    Spam is unrequested bulk email. Politech is explicitly
    requested email and easily unsubscribed from. I mean, yeah
    changing your email address can come back to bite you but
    thats part of the trade-off. So Politech is not spam. I'm
    sure even the Net.Fuzz will agree on this one!
    I shouldn't even mention the emails I get from random
    flacks--but I will! I mean, all I have to do is give my
    email to one pr rep at one trade show and I know I am going
    to be spammed from here to eternity. And I end up on other
    lists--likely the same PR firm plugging for other tech
    clients (popping my name on their general tech contact
    list, no doubt) telling me about product announcements,
    offering interviews, etc... And all this so that some
    executive could email me a quote or a letter within the
    next few hours.
    So, having been the receipient of many PR spams, I think it
    is quite laughable that a PR firm is on the other end! (Or,
    at least, perceivably so!)
    Prediction: Chuck (if he truly is blocking Politech from
    going to all of the firms' email accounts) will be fired
    before the week is over, and Politech will flow freely for
    all flacks!
    <joke>Chuck, I didn't realize spam left such a bitter
    -Ben Polen
    From: "Mark Northern" <mnorthern@nh-chatt.com>
    To: <declanat_private>
    Subject: F-H website
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:07:52 -0400
    Organization: New Horizons -- Chattanooga
    Have you looked at the Fleishman-Hillard website lately?
    "Grassroots marketing"
    "Word-of-mouth makes the difference"
    A pompous geek wanna-be in their IT department has greatly diminished
    their "brand" with his moronic actions. Not... smart. Word-of-mouth made the
    difference. As a former journalist who "sold out" into PR and then
    into the IT arena, I find this both sad and strangely comical.
    Best Regards,
    Mark Northern
    "Hard Drive" -- WGOW-FM -- Chattanooga
    423.892.3085 x114
    From: "Geoff Gariepy" <geoff_gariepyat_private>
    To: <magnercat_private>
    Subject: Politech
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:06:28 -0400
    Jeez, buy a clue.  Declan's email list isn't hardly spam.  In fact, it's
    probably one of the top 3 technical listservs on the planet.  Maybe if you
    read it you wouldn't just be a frustrated sysadmin.  There's gotta be 1000s
    of IT professionals on his list, plus government policy makers, Wired
    magazine subscribers, etc.
    I hope you get your head out of the sand--and soon.  Otherwise, you're going
    to be the laughingstock of the net.spam cops.  Not to mention everyone else.
    I'd start by apologizing to Declan now, if I were you.
    To: declanat_private
    cc: politechat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, 
    In-reply-to: <>
    Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 15:25:40 -0700
    From: John Gilmore <gnuat_private>
    I'd offer you congratulations, Declan, except that you haven't
    actually been thrown off the Internet yet by the anti-spammers.  They
    came for me.  You'll complain when they come for you, but nobody will
    be able to hear you.
    	RIP http://www.toad.com, censored by virulent Verio anti-spammers
    From: "Jones, Greg"
    To: "'declanat_private'" <declanat_private>
    Subject: RE: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, Poli
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:46:52 -0400
    I will be very interested to see how many other F-H employees respond to
    protest the embargo of Politech.
    One is tempted to wonder at such virulence from "the 'leading' public
    relations consultancy in the U.S.".  How many Politechnicals got to enjoy
    this tirade?  This can't be good PR for F-H.
    While Chuck is considering "it an honor and privilige to use all the
    technology tools available", he might consider starting with spell-check.
    Please withhold my e-mail address from any repost -- I fear to suffer the
    wrath of Chuck.  You are made of much sterner stuff than I.
    Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 13:45:09 -0600
    From: Kevin Rasmussen <kevinat_private>
    To: declanat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from 
    well.com,  Politech
    That is hilarious.  You'd think a PR firm would be more careful when 
    communicating with the media.  Right on their home page they tout 
    "Word-of-mouth makes the difference".  Perhaps you should have also copied 
    Bill Pendergast (pendergbat_private), the Chairman of their 
    Corporate/Reputation Management group...
    Thanks for an informative and (occasionally) very entertaining list.
    From: tbetzat_private
    To: declanat_private, magnercat_private, mccluremat_private,
             cravenlat_private, Mcclurem2at_private, 
             mooneyrat_private, politechat_private
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:36:27 -0400
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, 
    On 9 Apr 2002 at 23:33, Declan McCullagh wrote:
     > [On second reading, it's not entirely clear whether Chuck is blocking all
     > mail from the Well and Politech himself or just encouraging everyone at
     > Fleishman-Hillard to do so. In any case, it's a sad case of self-appointed,
     > anti-spam vigilantes run amok... --Declan]
    No it isn't, Declan;  it's just a case of idiots being idiots.
    No surprise to me that they work for a PR firm...
    Unfortunately for them, the people who run those blacklists are
    NOT idiots. They will recognize that these fools are idiots, and
    will /dev/null their complaints.
    From: "D McOwen" <dmcowenat_private>
    To: <declanat_private>, <politechat_private>
    Cc: <magnercat_private>, <mccluremat_private>, <cravenlat_private>,
             <Mcclurem2at_private>, <boudreamat_private>,
    Subject: RE: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com,  Politech
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 17:24:55 -0400
    Go get em Declan,
    Interesting propaganda on their part. If their IT Dept created filters to
    specifically block inbound Politech e-mails, then she shouldn't be getting
    the so called "junk" through to her e-mail inbox to ever see anyway. What
    kind of "IT" Dept are they running there?
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 16:57:46 -0400
    From: Rich Kulawiec <rskat_private>
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, 
    On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 11:33:13PM -0700, Declan McCullagh wrote:
     > [ In any case, it's a sad case of self-appointed,
     > anti-spam vigilantes run amok... --Declan]
    Please, no.  These aren't anti-spam vigilantes of any stripe.
    I've forwarded this exchange to the *real* anti-spam folks, who tend to
    take a dim view of bogus, whiny complaints from people who are either
    too stupid or too lazy to unsubscribe themselves from mailing lists that
    they themselves signed up for at some point in the past.  I think perhaps
    fleishman.com should worry less about blocking well.com and more about
    how many sites are going to block *them* after reading this idiocy.
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:45:55 -0500
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, 
    From: harmoneyat_private (Patty L Langasek)
    On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 11:33:13PM -0700, Declan McCullagh wrote:
     > >Cc: "Mcclure, Marna" <mccluremat_private>, "Craven, Liz"
     > ><cravenlat_private>
     > >At 12:51 PM 4/9/2002 -0500, Magner, Chuck wrote:
     > >>Considering your inability to comprehend the amount of inconvenience you
     > >>cause not only our users at the desktop by having to spend valuable work
     > >>time deleting your unsolicited emails, but also our IT department by
     > >>having to create filters to eliminate your junk. I have advised Ms
     > >>Mcclure and everybody else in our company to report all unsolicted emails
     > >>from you and those originating from well.com to;
    I get the feeling that Mister Magner didn't take the time to actually
    *research* what this list is, how one gets messages from this list, or
    possibly has even looked at any of the messages sent to 'Ms Mcclure'. I also
    get the feeling that 'Ms Mcclure' isn't exactly the kind of person who knows
    how to make responsible use of Internet resources (such as actually
    *reading* a webpage or attempting to get information before running to
    someone she views as a guru and whining at them to 'make it work' - gah,
    users annoy me).
    Though, you know. I have to express amusement at their website 'Grassroots
    Marketing - Word-of-mouth makes the difference', and further into their
    site: 'Observing the highest ethical and professional standards' (Overview
    page, link is off the homepage). I don't consider Ms. Magner's
    correspondence in the least professional, but, perhaps this is how Fleishman
    Hillard (which I'm sure is trademarked, for the record) treats and defines
    [snip - long, unncessary list of anti-spam sites]
     > >>We will be notifying the business manager at Well: bizmgrat_private and
     > >>the technical contact dnsat_private of your unsolicited spam activities.
     > >>As well as sending snail mail to their address at;
    Ooooh. He can do a 'whois'. Impressive. I still wonder if he bothered
    looking at Ms McClure's email before taking this rather abrasive approach.
     > >> I consider it an honor and privilige to use all the technology tools
     > >>available at making you go away, I will be contacting you personally as
     > >>soon as possible.
    Dear lord. This guy is sounding like the reverse of Bernard Shifman (let me
    know if hardcore anti-spam activists *coughcoughCHUCKcoughcough* are ignorant
    enough to not have heard of this spamming issue, or requires a lesson in how
    to use Google).
    As always, I appreciate all information I get from Politech (since, well, I
    *did* subscribe to the list personally) and all the hardwork you put into
    this list.
    Patty Langasek
    X-What: Goes Around Comes Around
    Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 15:47:46 -0700
    To: Mcclurem2at_private, Mccluremat_private, postmasterat_private,
             abuseat_private, administratorat_private, thamkat_private,
    From: "Postmasterat_private" <Postmasterat_private>
    Subject: NOTICE: fleishman.com BANNED from IMMUNE.COM and EMISSARY.NET
    Cc: "Postmasterat_private" <Postmasterat_private>,
             Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    To Whom It May Concern,
    In reference to "Mcclure, Marna" and the
    abuse and mis-characterization by
    fleishman.com employees of the opt-in,
    confirmed, superb mailing list Politech:
    Because of the ignorant and arrogant way
    that fleishman.com staff fail to handle their
    own clerical work (closing that which they
    opened and confirmed), no accounts are
    now accepted from fleishman.com for any
    self-serve resources or services available
    from both
    A written, formal apology to Declan McCullagh
    is appropriate, if fleishman.com wishes to be
    un banned.
    -- "Postmasterat_private" <Postmasterat_private>
    Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 18:06:35 -0400
    From: "SIXIT Consulting" <no.spamat_private>
    To: declanat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, 
    Feel free to post this Declan.
    *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
     >>At 12:51 PM 4/9/2002 -0500, Magner, Chuck wrote:
     >>>Considering your inability to comprehend the amount of inconvenience you
    Hola Chuck,
    Methinks it is an even bigger inconvenience to Declan, who receives 
    probably in the neighborhood of several HUNDRED emails a day *AND* has a 
    full-time career as a journalist, who then has to stop whatever important 
    thing he's currently doing and answer an email from someone who can't 
    remember a simple address change!  You are obviously good at looking at 
    email headers, so what was the difficulty in determining which address of 
    Ms. McClure's was receiving the email?  This should have been child's play 
    for you.
     >time deleting your unsolicited emails, but also our IT department by
     >having to create filters to eliminate your junk. I have advised Ms
     >Mcclure and everybody else in our company to report all unsolicted emails
     >from you and those originating from well.com to;
    Erm, unsolicited means, in essence, *unrequested*.  However, the ONLY way 
    to get these emails is to *request* them.  Please Chuck, explain to us 
    through logical conclusions how requested email is unsolicited?
     >nofalsenegatives.stopspam.samspade.org blacklist
     >Dorkslayers Zero Tolerance List  http://www.dorkslayers.com/
     >Spam Prevention Early Warning System   http://www.spews.org/
     >Spamhaus Block List  http://www.spamhaus.org/
    Except these folks are well aware (or should be) of Declan's stance on 
    spam, freedom, and privacy.  Your complaints will likely be greeted with 
    amusement.  Your reputation, unfortunately, will be the ultimate victim of 
    your rampage.  It's likely the folks at these good institutions will 
    classify you as an uninformed newbie picking the wrong battles with the 
    wrong weapons.  So much for your credence after that.
     >We will be notifying the business manager at Well: bizmgrat_private and [snip]
    I'm sure the appropriate persons at well.com and salon.com will also 
    appreciate your logical explanation on how requested email is unsolicited.
    You know Chuck, I *love* killing spammers too.  However, you need to 
    realize that sometimes to resolve a conflict a little diplomacy is required 
    and not the whole 7th fleet.  Perhaps you will learn this soon....
    Robert Reese~
    From: Charlie Oriez <coriezat_private>
    Organization: Lumber Cartel [tinlc]
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>, politechat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: Fleishman-Hillard PR firm blocks all mail from well.com, 
    Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:25:57 -0600
    Cc: magnercat_private
    On Wednesday 10 April 2002 00:33, Declan McCullagh gave up the right
    to remain silent by saying:
    (cc's snipped)
     > >> to eliminate your junk. I have advised Ms Mcclure and everybody
     > >> else in our company to report all unsolicted emails from you and
     > >> those originating from well.com to;
     > >>
     > >>spamcop.net
    Actually, any spam should be reported to spamcop as the easy way to
    do it.  Of course, if someone reports something as spam that isn't
    spam, they get their account terminated and lose access to the
    service.  Why just politech and well though?  And does fleishman
    actually use spamcop as a dnsbl? shows no spam
    reported dating back to early Feb.
     > >>
     > >>nofalsenegatives.stopspam.samspade.org blacklist
    Interesting.  According to Steve at blighty.com, who runs Sam Spade,
    that isnt a blacklist and is not used to bounce mail.  It's a query
    tool for checking other lists.
     > >>
     > >>http://mail-abuse.org
    Requires a carefully documented nomination, including documentation
    of direct contact.  Documentation that politechbot is confirmed
    optin, which it is, will end the issue.
     > >>
     > >>Dorkslayers Zero Tolerance List  http://www.dorkslayers.com/
    "It is our intention to never list IP addresses which have any of the
    following characteristics:
        a physical location within the United States of America (USA)
        a mailserver that has been secured against third-party email relay
        contained within a netblock from our spite list"
    hmm. Dorkslayers is an open relay database.  An accusation that is an open relay located in a foreign country should
    be backed up by evidence.  I just ran the 17 standard relay tests
    available at abuse.net:
    Relay test result
    All tests performed, no relays accepted.
    In other words, complaints to Dorkslayers would be without merit.
     > >>
     > >>Spam Prevention Early Warning System   http://www.spews.org/
    They dont take nominations, nor are there publicly available email
    addresses to send nominations to.  If you send mail to spews, the
    person sending the mail is assumed to be the spammer, and gets
    listed, if anyone does.  But first you have to find their spam trap
    addresses in order to communicate with them, and that is easier said
    than done.  Postmaster and the other obvious role addresses won't
    work <Obdisclaimer>I am not SPEWS, don't know who is, and think
    Irkutsk is way too cold for me to take the job if offered. I'd buy
    them a beer if I knew who they were though.</Obdisclaimer>
     > >>
     > >>Spamhaus Block List  http://www.spamhaus.org/
    Spamhaus exists solely to maintain a Spam Support Services Tracking
    Database.  I hope they can back up the accusation that you're running
    spam support services (eg - selling spamware).  This is a fairly
    egregious accusation, and listing spamhaus as a suitable place to
    complain qualifies as such an accusation.  I'd want to blackhole you
    myself if it is true.  Of course, if they make that claim without it
    being true, we're again in the mode of wondering how honest other
    communcations from FH are.
     > >>
     > >>We will be notifying the business manager at Well:
     > >> bizmgrat_private and the technical contact dnsat_private of your
     > >> unsolicited spam activities. As well as sending snail mail to
     > >> their address at;
     > >>
     > >>  22 Fourth Street, 16th Floor
     > >>  San Francisco, CA 94103
    but not their abuse addresses. Interesting.
     > >>
     > >>
     > >>  I consider it an honor and privilige to use all the technology
     > >> tools available at making you go away, I will be contacting you
     > >> personally as soon as possible.
     > >>
    As in:
    # kooks
    * ^From:.*fleishman.com
    It took minutes if not seconds to create.
    So two issues:
    The fleishman admin has accused well of running an open relay
    (dorkslayers) and has accused politech.com of providing spam support
    services (spamhaus).  My tests say the open relay accusation is
    false.  I saw no links on your site or other evidence indicating that
    you offer spam support services.  He should produce evidence of both
    or apologize, or his boss should for him.
    Anyone can refuse any mail they want - it's their server.  Probably
    wouldn't hurt to delete all FH addresses from your list, and of
    course refuse all mail in your direction as well.  The bounce message
    for their blocked mail can refer questions to the appropriate
    internal person.
    Charles Oriez     coriezat_private
    39  34' 34.4"N / 105 00' 06.3"W
    POLITECH -- Declan McCullagh's politics and technology mailing list
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