FC: Photos, text of top Euro antitrustocrat's speech yesterday

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 07:27:54 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Salon interviews John Gilmore: "It's time for ICANN to go""

    Photos from event:
    News.com article:
                     "Competition Policy in the European Union"
                                    Philip Lowe
                     American Antitrust Institute, 1 July 2002
       I. Introduction
       Ladies and gentlemen,
       It is my pleasure to address this distinguished audience today on
       behalf of Commissioner Mario Monti on the subject of Competition
       Policy in the European Union. The subject is a broad one and having
       not yet officially taken over from Alex Schaub as Director General, I
       am not going to throw caution and job security completely to the winds
       by attempting to define or redefine the policy over this lunch!
       However, I would like to give you a feel for some of the key issues
       facing us over the coming months. As you may know, competition policy
       in the EU goes beyond the disciplines that are familiar to you here in
       the United States, that is, merger scrutiny and anti-trust
       enforcement. It also addresses the behaviour of governments through
       our rules on state aid, services of general economic interest and
       The principles underlying the three strands of EU competition policy -
       mergers, anti-trust and state aid - are constant.
       First, enforcement action aims at protecting competition. This
       fundamental goal is enshrined in the Treaties establishing the
       European Union, namely that we aim for "a system ensuring that
       competition in the Internal Market is not distorted". The interest of
       consumers in the broad sense - individuals and businesses - is the
       primary concern. The concerns of competitors are relevant to the
       extent, and only to the extent, that they provide evidence of actual
       or potential harm to competition and consumer interests.
       Secondly, our assessment of a merger, an agreement or a grant of aid
       has to be based on sound economic analysis, not legal formalism. Law
       and economics are necessary companions in our day-to-day work. After
       all, competition law gives legal form to economic concepts. Striving
       to find the right balance between legal certainty and economic
       accuracy is the hallmark of any successful competition system. This
       challenge is a never-ending one. Not only because economists'
       positions on important points of principle have been known to change -
       as the evolution in US anti-trust enforcement also demonstrates. But
       also because the application of competition policy to any given
       situation depends on the particularities of the market in question. It
       is precisely this scope for policy evolution and the need to take
       account of market realities - and indeed likely realities in the
       future - that makes our work both challenging and stimulating. To get
       competition policy right, we need to be rigorous in our fact-finding,
       transparent and fair in our assessment and effective in our
       enforcement. Fortunately, given the visibility of our intervention in
       business life, there is no lack of comment and appraisal of our
       performance - as well as suggestions for change from all sides,
       whether we get it right or wrong!
       Our third guiding principle is more specific to the European Union. In
       the particular constitutional set-up of the European Union, an
       efficient division of work between the European level - the Commission
       - and the enforcement agencies in the Member States is essential. Up
       to now, EU anti-trust law has been established alongside national laws
       and it has been primarily the Commission's task to ensure business
       agreements are not anti-competitive, on the basis of a notification
       system. In an Internal Market of more than 380 million people, with
       the imminent prospect of enlargement to more than 450 million, this
       way or working is no longer practical or effective.
       That's why we are moving towards a new framework in which EU antitrust
       law can be enforced directly by the competition authority or court
       which is best placed to do it at the regional, national or EU level.
       The Commission must concentrate on really serious breaches of the
       competition rules that affect the EU Internal Market as a whole. This
       means in most cases that it should be dealing with the effects of
       agreements or practices on competition which go beyond the territory
       of any one Member State. Enforcement procedures must also be efficient
       and coherent throughout the European Union with an acceptable level of
       legal certainty for business.
       In fact, many of the issues facing us within the EU in terms of
       multiple jurisdiction are of particular relevance to on-going efforts
       to find solutions at the multilateral level to competition concerns.
       EU and US co-operation in this regard has, and will continue, to be
       crucial. More widely, the initiatives now being taken, for example in
       the International Competition Network, within OECD and in the Doha
       Development Round only serve to strengthen the growing and much needed
       convergence in the application of our respective multi-trust policies.
       The EU for its part is not only an active participant in networks of
       international competition authorities. The enlargement of the EU in
       2004 brings with it a further countries who have agreed to introduce
       competition laws and to accept EU competition law.
       For the EU and the US, active anti trust enforcement is an essential
       component of the good governance of a market-led economy. Similarly,
       the open and constructive acceptance of and cooperation in antitrust
       enforcement is an essential component of corporate governance. This is
       surely an area where the EU and the US in particular can show
       developing countries how the market can be effectively policed to
       promote a better deal for consumers and to avoid excess and abuse.
       I am not going to try to spoil your lunch with a litany of all
       outstanding issues in EU competition policy. I want to concentrate on
       three areas which are high up on our competition agenda, all of which
       have relevance for US antitrust authorities and for US firms.
       First, a few words about the critical and complementary role in EU
       competition policy which is played by control of aids provided by
       national governments. I will then address some of the most important
       challenges in our review EU merger law and practice and our wider
       reform of anti-trust enforcement.
       EU Competition policy - beyond mergers and anti-trust
       While EU antitrust rules address the behaviour of undertakings in ways
       that are familiar to you - cartels, abuses of dominant positions - the
       State aid rules focus on measures implemented by government. These two
       sets of rules are complementary in application and coherent with
       respect to their goal: that competition in the internal market is not
       This combined scrutiny of the decisions of both corporations and
       States is unique to the EU vision of competition policy. It is based
       on the logic that efforts under the anti-trust rules to ensure that
       companies do not distort competition and trade within the Union would
       be to little avail if Member States were allowed to seek to outbid
       each other in offering subsidies to save firms in economic
       difficulties, or to attract investment, with negative consequences for
       the European Union as a whole.
       Today, the control of state aids has proven to be a source of real
       strength for the European Union. First of all the risk of market
       distortions from state aids is even stronger today than it was in the
       past. As the European Internal Market has become a reality, a number
       of governmental trade barriers have been eliminated. This means that
       the more usual forms of protection of national markets and players by
       Member States are disappearing. If not properly controlled, state aid
       can often have the effect of maintaining the barriers to trade that we
       have tried to dismantle. State aids rules also allow us to address
       behaviour by States - often acting through the intermediary of
       publicly-owned companies - that directly affects competition in
       important markets.
       One might of course, at least in theory, advocate a simple ban on
       State aid, in the interests of achieving maximum competition. However,
       this would neither be realistic or desirable: there are valid and
       legitimate reasons for governments to grant aid to companies, such as
       favouring regions particularly disadvantaged or suffering from low
       employment. Even in the US, government - at the local, state and
       federal levels - intervenes with subsidy measures, whether through the
       Small Business Administration, or via regional incentives, or again in
       favour of airlines in response to the events of 11 September.
       The EC system provides a legal framework that allows for the
       anti-competitive effects of such measures to be independently assessed
       against clear criteria. In fact, our state aids discipline accounts
       for around half of the Commission's competition enforcement activity.
       There is no other jurisdiction where an independent authority is
       granted such strong powers to challenge decisions adopted by sovereign
       States in an area as politically sensitive as the grant of aid to
       particular companies.
       Nor is there any other jurisdiction in which an enforcement agency can
       steer a process of economic liberalisation. Article 86 of the EC
       Treaty gives the Commission precisely those enforcement powers. And
       they have been used for example to good effect in combination with
       regulatory legislation in the telecommunications sector. In this
       context, the judgements handed down by the highest EU court in June of
       this year concerning the compatibility with EU law on free movement of
       capital of governments maintaining control mechanisms - so-called
       "golden shares" - in privatised companies deserve a mention as their
       implications are far-reaching. Article 86 also provides the basis for
       more timely intervention in order to ensure that national "services of
       general economic interest" - to use some EU speak for services that
       must be broadly available - really do operate for the common good
       rather than causing unjustified distortion of competition. If the
       concept is unfamiliar to you, all I can say is that the recent
       decision to provide further funding to Amtrak falls under the angle of
       our policy on services of general interest!
       All of these issues - state aids, liberalisation and services of
       general economic interest - will of course be of particular importance
       in the years ahead in view of the imminent enlargement of the EU to
       include a number of countries whose transition from a command economy
       is very recent.
       But our state aids policy should not be viewed separately from
       antitrust and merger enforcement. A striking recent example of the
       complementary functions of antitrust and State aid rules is to be
       found in the decisions recently adopted by the Commission concerning
       Deutsche Post - the German public postal operator - following
       complaints from the US firm, UPS.
       The wider point at issue in these decisions is "cross-subsidisation"
       between activities covered by special or exclusive rights granted by a
       Member States to a company, such as a statutory monopoly, and
       activities open to competition. In Europe, this issue arises mainly in
       network industries, such as energy or postal services, in which
       liberalisation is not complete. In two recent decisions concerning
       Deutsche Post, the Commission tackled "cross-subsidisation" both as an
       antitrust abuse under Article 82 EC and also under the State aid rules
       - Article 88 EC:
       On 20 March 2001, the Commission adopted a decision under Article 82
       of the EC Treaty in which it condemned Deutsche Post for abusing its
       dominant position - held by virtue of its statutory monopoly over
       standard letter delivery. The abuse consisted in offering certain
       door-to-door parcel services - a market which is open to competition -
       at a price that did not cover the additional cost of maintaining the
       necessary network capacity. Prices below the additional or incremental
       cost of providing a competitive service were deemed predatory, if such
       a policy is sustained for a five year period.
       For most companies, the competition law analysis would stop there,
       once the finding of predatory pricing had been made. Deutsche Post,
       however, was also in receipt of public monies, so the Commission had
       to look at whether this money had been misused by Deutsche Post to
       fund the predatory activity.
       On June 18, 2002 the Commission concluded its State aid proceedings
       with respect to various forms of State aid granted to Deutsche Post.
       It found that the German postal incumbent had used 572 million of the
       State funds it received to finance its monopoly public service
       missions to subsidise below-cost pricing in competitive door-to-door
       parcel services. Postal incumbents that receive State funding for the
       discharge of services of general interest may not use these State
       resources to subsidise below-cost prices in activities open to
       Thus, the parallel application of antitrust and State aid rules
       allowed the Commission to tackle the "cross-subsidy" issue in a
       comprehensive manner ensuring:
       First, that the incumbent is aware that in activities open to
       competition at least the additional costs of the service have to be
       covered by revenue; and
       Secondly, that the competitive advantage resulting from the aid
       received by the door-to-door activities is neutralised because
       Deutsche Post has to give back the amount of 572 million of State
       funds it used to subsidise below-cost pricing.
       These cases also highlight the complementarity of antitrust and State
       aid remedies. As part of the antitrust proceedings, Deutsche Post, in
       January 2002, created a separate door-to-door parcel subsidiary. The
       Commission accepted this undertaking because it deemed that structural
       separation, together with a commercial relationship based on market
       prices between the two separate entities should in the future avoid
       both predatory pricing and the "spill-over" of State aid into
       competitive activities. In this way, our anti-trust rules were of help
       in avoiding potential future state aid problems.
       A further area which we will undoubtedly be having to tackle over the
       coming months is the boundary between legitimate extension of
       advantages in the context of fiscal policy - for example tax
       incentives for environmentally-friendly energy sources or for
       strategic groups of consumers - and illegitimate discrimination which
       harms competition. Our concept of State Aid is therefore not just
       about block grants but about harmful financial advantages in general.
       I am sure you can see the connection here too with moves to ensure
       greater fiscal harmonisation across the EU's Member States. Obviously
       the stronger the framework of EU regulation of national taxation, the
       less need there is to ensure compatibility of national tax regimes
       through application of the State Aid rules.
       Merger Control Policy
       Since 1990, the Commission has been entrusted with the task of
       providing a "one stop shop" for the scrutiny of all large cross-border
       mergers in Europe within the framework of tight legal deadlines. The
       ability of a public administration to deliver economically sensible
       decisions within a timetable that corresponds to that of business has
       been widely appreciated. Today, we need to build on this record and
       ensure that the Regulation remains adapted to the economic realities.
       We also need to ensure that we work to high standards of transparency
       and fairness, with due regard to, and protection of, the rights of all
       those involved
       With this aim in mind, the Commission adopted a Green Paper on the
       review of the Merger Regulation in December of last year. The scope of
       the issues raised by the Review process is impressive. All interested
       parties were invited to comment on the Green Paper by the end of
       March. And it will come as no surprise to you that many seized the
       opportunity - US law firms and companies amongst them. Those comments
       are now being analysed with a view to formulating proposals for the
       amendment of the Merger Regulation by the end of this year.
       So now is not the time for definitive answers. Instead, I will
       concentrate on three of the more interesting issues. The question of
       the substantive test, efficiencies and due process.
       The substantive test - dominance versus substantial lessening of
       As you are aware, US and EU merger control laws are phrased in quite
       different language. In the EU, mergers must be declared unlawful where
       they "create or strengthen a dominant position as a result of which
       effective competition would be significantly impeded in the common
       market or a substantial part of it". In the US, in the words of a
       statute dating from 1914, mergers can be enjoined if they result in "a
       substantial lessening of competition" or "tend to create a monopoly".
       It doesn't require any great legal or economic insight to see that
       these are tests which could, in the hands of creative interpreters,
       result in widely differing outcomes. This has not happened, however,
       because the economic rationale underpinning merger control by
       enforcement authorities and courts in our jurisdictions is very
       similar. The body of precedent built up by the European Commission and
       the European Courts over a decade regarding the interpretation of the
       dominance test has shown a remarkable coincidence of analysis with the
       wealth of interpretative precedent that has been built up in the US
       over a much longer period with regard to the Clayton Act. A European
       practitioner who picks up the US Merger Guidelines, or who delves into
       one of the US Court's latest merger judgements, will - I think - be
       struck by the extent to which our seemingly different tests are used
       in similar ways.
       But now that the Merger Regulation has been in force for more than a
       decade, the time is ripe to consider how effective the substantive
       test has been compared to that used in other jurisdictions,
       particularly the US but also in a significant number of EU Member
       States. As Commissioner Monti has recently stressed, we have a
       genuinely open mind on this issue. What counts is the effectiveness of
       the legal instrument in addressing genuine competition concerns.
       What is clear from the comments we have received on the issue is that
       the pros and cons of change versus status quo are finely balanced.
       Some see advantages in the SLC test as being better suited to the kind
       of micro-economic analysis required in merger cases. They point to the
       potential difficulties of dealing satisfactorily with situations of
       collective dominance under the existing EU test or "stretching" the
       notion of dominance for purposes of Article 82 enforcement. I refer in
       particular to the issue of whether to cover, in addition to tacit
       collusion, the so-called unilateral effects of increased concentration
       on an oligopolistic market.
       Those in favour of the status quo also have an array of arguments to
       hand. Notably, they highlight the point to which I have already
       referred: even today our different tests have led to broadly
       convergent results. The uncertainties caused by doing away with more
       than 10 years of case-law and jurisprudence were the test to be
       changed also figures highly.
       One thing is certain: regardless of the decision ultimately taken by
       the Commission on the headline test, guidelines on how to assess
       market power in merger analysis are needed. The Commissioner has
       committed the Commission to produce such a text by the end of the
       year. In the final analysis, the extent to which legal interpretation
       allows us to achieve greater convergence in enforcement through
       issuing new guidelines without changing the law, must be carefully
       weighed up against the alternative of changing the law and then
       developing guidelines which make the transition from existing case law
       and jurisprudence a sensible and practical alternative.
       And now to 'efficiencies. Article 2.1 (b) of the EU's merger
       regulation stipulates that the appraisal of a merger has to take into
       account 'the development of technical and economic progress provided
       that it is to consumers' advantage and does not form an obstacle to
       competition'. In disencrypted language, this could be read to mean we
       are prepared to take into account efficiencies in a positive sense if
       the benefits are likely to be passed on to the consumer. We are also
       guided by the fundamental test enshrined in the Merger Regulation
       which asks us to identify and remedy situations which 'significantly
       impede competition'.
       Some commentators - even eminent US ones - have criticised the
       Commission's incapacity or unwillingness to offset efficiencies of a
       merger against its restrictive effects on competition. The guidelines
       on the assessment of market power in merger analysis to which I have
       already referred will state once and for all that efficiencies can be
       taken into account positively. However, my feeling from the recent
       consultation process is that few on our side of the Atlantic are in
       favour of giving an advantage to the merging parties where the
       post-merger competitive conditions make it extremely unlikely that
       consumers can benefit from the efficiencies. It is also important to
       balance short term benefits e.g. of price reductions against possible
       disadvantages in the longer term e.g. progressive withdrawal of the
       remaining competitors from the markets concerned. Can I nevertheless
       conclude these remarks on efficiencies by confirming quite
       categorically that there no 'efficiencies offence' in our merger
       Now I would like to turn to two aspects of what we could usefully call
       the application of the Sy Rogers test to EU merger control. Sy Rogers
       was, as you know, the composer of that well-known title of corporate
       seminars: "it ain't what you do it's the way that you do it". The
       first aspect is the process and the second is the issue of the quality
       of economic and market analysis.
       Due process
       As you know, the procedural differences between the EU and US merger
       control systems are significant. In contrast to the US, the Commission
       can approve or prohibit a transaction by taking an administrative
       decision duly motivated within strict deadlines. It need not prosecute
       a potentially problematic merger in court.
       I should say here that administrative merger control systems like ours
       are certainly not unique to the Commission. Indeed, this is the model
       employed in most of the EU's Member States, and reflects to a large
       extent the specific legal traditions on our side of the Atlantic.
       History, as always, plays its part in explaining this fundamentally
       different role of the respective enforcement agencies. In any event,
       very few respondents to the Green Paper favour a radical overhaul of
       the current system - the introduction of a US-style prosecutorial
       regime, for example, whereby the Commission would have to challenge a
       proposed merger before the European courts.
       The fact that so few have called for a fundamental transformation of
       our system is certainly not attributable to the timidity of those who
       submitted comments, as clearly shown by their comments on other
       aspects! On the contrary, I think it is because many recognise the
       merits inherent in the EU system whereby the "first instance" decision
       is taken by an administrative body such as the Commission. Indeed, as
       US Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Charles James mentioned in
       a recent speech(4), many companies have indicated a preference for
       what he termed the EU's "front-end" process (treatment of a case by
       the Commission in its role as competition agency) and at the same time
       for the US's "back-end" process (judicial involvement in the case).
       Our "front-end" process is prized by many for two main reasons: it
       guarantees a swift outcome (usually within one month, but never in
       more than five) and it is remarkably transparent: every notification
       results in a published and fully reasoned decision.
       However, as in every system, there is scope for improvement. The
       consultation has brought to light certain misgivings about the
       effectiveness of the system's due process guarantees and concerning
       the possibilities for effective judicial review of the Commission's
       decisions in merger cases.
       In terms of due process, criticism focuses on the fact that decisions
       in merger cases are taken by the same body (the Commission) that
       carries out the fact-finding investigation. In sum, critics tend to
       highlight what they perceive as weak rights of defence - do the
       investigators properly consider the views of the merging parties - and
       inadequate checks and balances.
       While some respondents take the view that a radical overhaul of the
       system is needed, the majority feel that there are significant
       improvements to be made to the existing system without losing its
       current benefits. Careful thought will therefore be given to the
       numerous suggestions, even the most radical ones, as to how our
       administrative system might be improved. Some may involve amendments
       to the Merger Regulation, but many would not. Indeed, the Commission
       has already taken some steps recently to strengthen the mandate of the
       Hearing Officer whose task it is to enforce the parties' rights.
       However, the time is certainly ripe for a more fundamental look at the
       internal operation of the department in order to reinforce internal
       checks and balances. Under the authority of Mario Monti, that will be
       one of my priorities in my new role.
       As far as judicial review is concerned, it's important to stress that
       all of the Commission's administrative decisions may be appealed
       before the European courts. Their role in merger policy should not be
       underestimated. The recent judgment against the Commission in the
       Airtours case provides eloquent testimony of that fact. The real issue
       of course is not whether decisions are subject to judicial review but
       how quickly the judgment is delivered. If it is to have any relevance
       to an agreement which is still commercially viable, the judgement must
       be taken in weeks and months, and not months and years. I feel
       strongly that this is one of the essential issues that must be
       addressed. Evaluating the impact of the Court of First Instance's
       recent adoption of new rules of procedure for the accelerated
       treatment of certain cases is a first step. But I for one would not
       rule out giving the notifying parties to a merger formal rights to
       expedited appeal on prohibitions and remedies before the Community
       courts. 'Fast Track' is a term much abused by airport authorities and
       governments. However what we real need is a genuine fast track, and
       much faster than the present accelerated procedure. That would
       certainly have resource implications for the courts; increasing the
       numbers of judges would also require a change to the Union's founding
       Treaties. But at a time when changes to the Treaty are being discussed
       in any event, that need not be an insuperable barrier.
       Economic and market analysis
       A separate - if related - criticism of the Commission's enforcement of
       merger control concerns the quality of the economic and market
       analysis underlying decisions. So a focus on outcomes rather than
       process. In this context, some respondents have queried whether
       investigative staff in the department are sufficiently expert - and
       notably whether is a shortage of suitable economic expertise. The more
       general question of whether staff resources are adequate for the tasks
       entrusted has also been raised.
       This said, efforts to strengthen the economic expertise of staff in
       the Competition department are on-going. As Commissioner Monti has
       said the recruitment of suitably qualified economists is a staff
       resources priority. We are also giving careful consideration to other
       measures to strengthen those capabilities further. Above all, this
       means reflection on the role of economic advisers in our
       decision-making process. I also put particular weight on the need to
       draw on sectoral expertise as prospective analysis of the likely
       development of markets is the core of merger control. We have not for
       example achieved state-of-the-art analysis of competition conditions
       in the evolving markets for air transport, media or
       Reforms in the field of anti-trust are rather more advanced. This is
       hardly surprising when one considers that EU anti-trust rules have
       been in place for more than 40 years as compared to 12 for merger
       control. The last few years have seen an unprecedented wave of reform
       of both substance and procedures. Concentration on the most important
       cases at the EU level as judged by economic affect has been key. In
       turn, policy on vertical and horizontal agreements has been reformed.
       And work is nearing completion on the most ambitious aspect of the
       reform programme: the updating and modernisation of our antitrust
       procedural framework in order to increase the efficiency of
       In September 2000, the Commission put forward to the Council of the
       European Union a proposal to reform the main procedural Regulation for
       antitrust law enforcement (Regulation 17 of 1962) which, when
       approved, will lead to profound changes in our enforcement system.
       These changes will among other things bring the European enforcement
       system closer to the US model.
       The administrative notification mechanism, for which there exists no
       equivalent in US law, will be removed. The rule that contains the
       conditions for an agreement to be declared legal, Article 81(3), will
       become directly applicable. This means that all courts and competition
       authorities throughout the European Union will be able to conduct a
       full assessment of agreements brought before them by assessing their
       anti-competitive as well as their pro-competitive effects. Should the
       legal conditions be fulfilled, they can rule that an agreement is
       legal and must be respected by the parties, just like courts in the
       The new enforcement system is designed to strengthen the deterrent
       effect of the EC antitrust rules. It will permit the Commission to
       focus on serious infringements that do considerable harm to consumers
       and it will de-block the enforcement potential of the national
       competition authorities. In passing I should say that the emphasis on
       serious infringements is already underway. In recent times, the
       Commission has adopted a series of high-profile cartel decisions - in
       products ranging from vitamins and food additives to financial
       services and chemicals. And in 2001 alone, we imposed fines amounting
       to 1.8 billion Euros on nearly 60 European and foreign companies.
       These fines exceeded the total fines imposed between the creation of
       the EU and 2000.
       The removal of the notification system should over time make it more
       attractive for private complainants to address themselves to civil
       courts if they are the victim of illegal behaviour under the
       competition rules. Through a gradual increase in private law-suits,
       the courts in Europe should make an ever greater contribution to the
       over-all enforcement of the rules, leading to a situation more similar
       to that already prevailing in the US.
       In order to promote coherent application of the rules, we have also
       proposed to the Council to introduce the possibility for the
       competition authorities to appear before national courts as amicus
       curiae, on the model of the US enforcement agencies. Legal certainty
       would be enhanced by means of opinions from the Commission - reasoned
       and published statements on unresolved issues of fact or law, similar
       to the Business Review Letters adopted by the US agencies. I think
       that this ought to address the concerns of industry without
       reintroducing a kind of notification mechanism with all of its
       We are confident that all these measures will be relatively quickly
       approved by the Council. That is crucial as they need to be in force
       before the next enlargement of the EU takes place.
       With this brief overview, I hope to have convinced you that
       competition policy is now very much at the heart of the EU's policy
       agenda. There is certainly more than enough to keep both Mario Monti
       and a new Director General for competition in the Commission occupied
       in the months and years ahead. And of course in this brief speech I've
       done little more than scratch the surface. However, I confidently
       expect that by the date of your next conference, we will have provided
       you with many of our own answers to the questions I have raised here
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