FC: U.K. considers even broader version of DMCA copyright law

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 11 2002 - 23:52:03 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: A possible reason for Salon TIPS article and America's Most Wanted"

    Text of the draft:
    Excerpt (page 14 of PDF):
    >  A person commits an offence if he—
    >(a) makes for sale or hire, or
    >(b) imports otherwise than for his private and domestic use, or
    >(c) in the course of a business—
    >(i) sells or lets for hire, or
    >(ii) offers or exposes for sale or hire, or
    >(iii) advertises for sale or hire, or
    >(iv) possesses, or
    >(v) distributes, or
    >(d) distributes otherwise than in the course of a business to such an extent
    >as to affect prejudicially the copyright owner
    >any device, product or component which is primarily designed, produced, or
    >adapted for the purpose of enabling or facilitating the circumvention of 
    >effective technological measures.
    Because, based on my quick and preliminary reading, this would ban the mere 
    possession of circumvention tools, it would be broader than the U.S. version.
    From: Brad Lipovsky <syzmeat_private>
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    Subject: DMCA Spreads To Europe
    Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2002 18:46:18 -0400
    A consultation paper has finaly been released from the UK Patent Office about
    the European Union Copyright Directive, or EUCA.  The paper can be found at
    http://www.patent.gov.uk/about/contact.htm.  People have been talking for
    some time about the European equivalent to the DMCA, and here it is.
    --Brad Lipovsky
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