FC: Ernst Zundel's spokeswoman replies to Politech over his arrest

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 06:38:07 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: More on House Judiciary voting today on human cloning ban"

    [Ingrid is Zundel's spokeswoman, and from what I gather has married Zundel 
    since I last wrote about the man. For the record: I do believe that Zundel 
    should enjoy the right to say what he wants about WWII without risking any 
    legal penalties. At the same time, those of us who disagree with Zundel's 
    creative views of the Holocaust ("did six million really die?") and Jews in 
    general have the responsibility to highlight them as false. I don't know 
    enough about the immigration charges to know whether Zundel violated the 
    law or not. It's certainly possible Zundel has been targeted for his 
    political views, or he could be swept up in a post-9-11 dragnet of people 
    who have missed immigration hearings. Eventually we'll see court documents 
    with details. Previous Politech message: 
    http://www.politechbot.com/p-04442.html --Declan]
    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 15:41:53 -0800
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    From: Ingrid Rimland <irimlandat_private>
    Subject: Re: Internet's most reviled Holocaust revisionist arrested in U.S.
    Declan, I really resent the headline!
    In the heat of the 1996 cyberwar, I was flooded with hate mail, largely 
    thanks to Nizkor.  This time around, for the last 6 days I have received 
    exactly four hate letters, while I received hundreds of letters in support, 
    both on the net and in the mail.
    I had such  hopes for you!
    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:05:47 -0800
    From: Brad Templeton <bradat_private>
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: Internet's most reviled Holocaust revisionist arrested in U.S.
    My brain can't avoid the irony of writing the following statement...
    "First, they came for the Nazis, and I did not speak out, for I was
    not a Nazi..."
    Zundel is a scuzbucket, but this does seem to be an example of
    something that strikes fear into all of us who are visitors to
    the USA, even those of us with our Visa paperwork in order.
    The jailed Canadian programmers from December were another example.
    Make a tiny mistake, and they can use tremendous power over you.
    Or get on their bad list (as I am sure Zundel has already done)
    and they can easily find an excuse.
    From: "Marty" <mrburkeat_private>
    To: <declanat_private>, <politechat_private>
    Cc: <irimlandat_private>
    Subject: RE: Internet's most reviled Holocaust revisionist arrested in U.S.
    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 18:00:40 -0000
    What rot! I have personnally been to two of the KZ's and I can guarantee
    they were real and terrible.
    From: "Todd Marshall"
    To: <declanat_private>
    Subject: Immigration Charges? Humbug!
    Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 23:01:44 -0800
    Mr. McCullagh,
    I live in Putnam County, New York about 75 miles north of New York City. 
    This town is swamped with illegals, mostly men between the ages of 20-40. 
    They are in the open illegals who have no fear of being picked up and never 
    are. They work as day labor for cash, or not at all. The cafe next door to 
    me placed an ad for a dishwasher. 3 or 4 dozen non-english speaking 
    applicants were interviewed and of those only one could produce any form of 
    generally accepted identification. Not one social security card among them. 
    And most drove themselves to the interview. Finally a young hispanic woman 
    applied who had a social security card and a drivers permit. She was hired. 
    Ended up her ID was fake. Many illegal men are living a very public 
    existence right here in Brewster. Hundreds of them at least, maybe more. I 
    just find it galling that INS would harass this Ernst Zundel and leave 
    large scale goups of illegals who, although not of arabic origin would 
    provide excellent camo for those who are and mean to do us harm. Trying to 
    report it to INS was useless and believe me, many have tried. I saw the 
    same thing happen when I lived in Florida. Perhaps the INS is too busy 
    being used as a tool for harassment to do it's job.
    Please delete my email address if possible.
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