FC: Politech members reply: ACLU's bulk mail was spam

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 24 2003 - 16:57:03 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Feds raid drug paraphernalia sites, to be redirected to DEA.gov"

    [At least the ACLU has said consistently that most anti-spam laws suffer 
    from First Amendment problems, so it can't be accused of hypocrisy here. :) 
    More seriously, groups that deal with privacy should tread carefully when 
    sending out bulk email to those who didn't explicitly request it. Previous 
    Politech message: http://www.politechbot.com/p-04497.html --Declan]
    Subject: RE: ACLU replies to Politech, says exposed email was not to
    Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:09:32 -0500
    Thread-Index: AcLcYJHq1cFIjvApTOO5v2bgSZ/+twAAI7IA
    From: "Kelly Talcott" <KTalcottat_private>
    To: declanat_private
    Oh, so none of the recipients actually asked for the ACLU to send them its 
    newsletter, just as none of them asked for information about curing 
    erectile dysfunction, working from home, curing credit ills, or performing 
    strange acts with farm animals.  Do spam filters check for "civil 
    liberties"?  And what do those of us concerned about the assault on our 
    e-mail boxes do in the meantime?
    Kelly D. Talcott
    Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:29:05 -0800
    From: Brad Templeton <btat_private>
    To: Declan McCullagh <declanat_private>
    Cc: politechat_private, EWHITFIELDat_private, jim.harperat_private
    Subject: Re: FC: ACLU replies to Politech, says exposed email was not to 
    Organization: http://www.templetons.com/brad
    On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 06:46:37PM -0500, Declan McCullagh wrote:
     > Previous Politech message:
     > "Whoops! ACLU exposes email addresses -- just like Eli Lilly?"
     > http://www.politechbot.com/p-04494.html
     > What, no double opt-in? :)
     > -Declan
    I have to say that you can't put a smiley face on there.  What the
    ACLU did was indeed a spam.   Repurposing of mailing lists, though
    of course very common in the postal service direct mail world, is
    simply something that doesn't scale (or rather scales way too well)
    in the E-mail world.
    If I give you my E-mail address for some purpose, and you feel you
    can pass it on for others to put on their mailing lists, our
    mailboxes quickly become full of messages, even if they are not
    offers of Nigerian money.  It is just too easy to send mail, there
    is nothing putting any limit on it.
    Sadly, even double opt-in is not enough.  Double opt-in is a defence
    against people using mailing lists to annoy folks.  They submit
    my name to a mailing list, with a forged mail from me, it makes
    sense for the mailing list to confirm with me because of the
    insecurity of the method by which my name arrived.
    However, in this case, my name is coming from a reliable source.
    There is little doubt that I gave my E-mail to organization A for
    mailing list A.  The only doubt is whether I intended that to mean
    that A could pass it around to other orgs and other mailing lists.
    Problem is, I don't want a lot of mail saying "We found your name
    at source X, can we add it to our mailing list about great Viagara
    sources?"   Source X should be the one knowign that, and not giving
    out my name unless it knows I am open to that.
    I just can't see any way we can have mailing lists be repurposed
    without the express consent of the owner of the mailing addresses
    within them, without creating a bloat problem in our mailboxes even
    from so called legitmitate mailers.   There are tricks you can
    do (I give out a different address to each company so I can tell
    if they do this, and they usually don't) but you should not have to.
    When you give out your mailing address, it should be just for the
    folks you give it to, and they should not had it out -- even to others
    who want to query if they can add you to their list -- unless you
    said that's what you want.
    It's OK if _they_ mail you to ask if they can hand you out, and
    hopefully do it only once.  You voluntarily entered into a relationship
    with them, you have some market power over them.  But once they pass
    out your name, you have little recourse.
    I wish I could see a way to make it scale, but even the ACLU doesn't
    get an exemption from this.   This is spam by all the definitions
    and the ACLU should be paddled on the backside soundly for it.
    From: "McCloskey, Bill"
    To: "'declanat_private'" <declanat_private>
    Subject: RE: Whoops! ACLU exposes email addresses -- just like Eli Lilly?
    Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 14:44:39 -0600
    Not the first time.  I have at home a nice list of all ACLU's Maryland
    activists garnered from a TO: list from about two years ago.  I can say that
    since I called them on it, it has not recurred.
    Bill McCloskey
    4709 Overbrook Road
    Bethesda, Md. 20816-3029
    Date: 24 Feb 2003 19:21:28 -0500
    Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.4.40.0302241703180.19770-100000at_private>
    From: "John R Levine" <johnlat_private>
    To: "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private>
    Cc: "jim.harperat_private" <jim.harperat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: Whoops! ACLU exposes email addresses -- just like Eli Lilly?
     > [ ACLU, having gotten the FTC to spank Eli Lilly for disclosing e-mail
     >  addresses, makes exactly the same mistake ]
     > Everyone who e-mails large groups is at risk for this kind of error.
    Actually, I'm with the FTC here.  The problem is that people at both Lilly
    and the ACLU appear to be confusing their Outlook address books with a
     >From a technical point of view, the addresses in the To: line of an e-mail
    message have nothing to do with the actual addresses to which the mail is
    sent.  (This is a deliberate and useful feature.)  Any sort of mailing
    list management system, even the simplest freeware ones, never put the
    list of recipients anywhere where it could leak into the message.  I
    manage lists here with thousands of addresses using the freeware
    Majordomo2 list manager, addresses have never leaked into messages, and
    it's unlikely they'll ever do so.
    If an organization has valuable mailing lists, it should treat them like
    any other valuable data and manage them with software that's appropriate
    to do the job.  The FTC was exactly right when it said that Lilly "failed
    to maintain or implement internal measures appropriate under the
    circumstances" and the ACLU was just as negligent.  This needn't involve
    spending lots of money (or any money), but it does require a little
    John Levine, johnlat_private, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
    Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://iecc.com/johnl, Sewer Commissioner
    "More Wiener schnitzel, please", said Tom, revealingly.
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