FC: Critique of "TRIPOLI" authenticated email proposal

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 21:31:03 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Dave McClure with a correction on taxing all email..."

    The below discussion is from cypherpunks. The relevant graf from the
    TRIPOLI proposal is this:
    >For Tripoli Pits to be useful resources for e-mail processing and
    >handling, it is absolutely critical that they be certified by
    >external, third-party certification entities. Without certification by
    >trusted third-parties, such an authentication system would be useless
    >since it could not be trusted to provide accurate and valid
    >authentication data.
    This is not a new breed of proposal. Ideas for certified email have
    been around for over two decades, if we go back to a 1982 report by
    O. Goldreich of the computer science department of the Technion, Haifa,
    Israel. Many IEEE-published papers in the 1990s explored the field
    (see this bibliography: http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~ateniese/papers/ndss01.pdf),
    though the primary focus was not on using it as an anti-spam technique.
    My view is that it may be an interesting academic problem, but
    actually implementing and deploying a Trusted Third Party scheme for
    email runs into a number of practical problems, some of which are
    described below.
    Oh, and here's a Slashdot thread:
    From: Nomen Nescio <nobodyat_private>
    Date: Fri,  9 May 2003 03:50:02 +0200 (CEST)
    Lauren Weinstein, founder of People for Internet Responsibility, has
    come out with a new spam solution at http://www.pfir.org/tripoli-overview.
    According to this proposal, the Internet email architecture would be
    revamped.  Each piece of mail would include a PIT, a Payload Identity
    Token, emphasis on Identity.  This would be a token certifying that you
    were an Authorized Email User as judged by the authorities.  Based on
    your PIT, the receiving email software could decide to reject your
       It is anticipated that all Pits considered acceptable by the vast
       majority of all Tripoli-compliant software user would be digitally
       signed by one or more designated, trustworthy, third-pary authorities
       who would be delegated the power to certify the validity of identity
       and other relevant information within Pits.
    In other words, here comes Verisign again.
       It is anticipated that in most cases, in order for the sender of an
       e-mail message to become initially certified by a Pit Certification
       Authority (PCA), the sender would need to first formally accept
       Terms of Service (ToS) that may well prohibit the sending of spam,
       and equally importantly, would authorize the certification authority
       to "downgrade" the sender's authentication certification in the case
       of spam or other ToS violations.
    Thus you have to be politically acceptable to the Powers That Be in
    order to receive your license to email, aka your PIT.  And be careful
    what you say or your PIT will be downgraded.
    Unfortunately he doesn't discuss various crypto protocol issues:
    If the PIT is just a datum, what keeps someone from stealing your PIT
    and spams with it?
    If the PIT is a cert on a key, what do you sign?  The message?  What if
    it gets munged in transit, as messages do?  You've just lost most of
    your email reliability.
    Or maybe you sign the current date/time?  Then delayed mail is dead mail.
    Or maybe you respond to a challenge and sign that?  That won't work if
    relays are involved, because they can't sign for you.
    Spam is a problem, but it's no excuse to add more centralized
    administrative control to the Internet.  Far better to go with a
    decentralized solution like camram.sourceforge.net, basically a matter
    of looking for hashcash in the mail headers.  This raises the cost to
    spammers without significantly impacting normal users.
    Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 03:40:24 +0100
    From: Adam Back <adamat_private>
    Yes, there is some discussion of it on slashdot, including several
    other people who have commented similarly to anonymous that it is a
    pretty big privacy invasion and centralised control point problem.
    The claim that you can optionally be anonymous and not use a cert, or
    get an anonymous cert is plainly practically bogus.  You'd stand about
    as much chance of having your mail read as if you shared mail hub with
    spamford wallace -- ie 90+% of internet mail infrastructure would drop
    your mail on the floor on the presumption it was spam.
    Plus a point I made in that thread is that it is often not in the
    internet user's interests to non-repudiably sign every message they
    send just to be able to send mail because that lends amunition to
    hostile recipients who from time-to-time target internet users for
    bullshit libel and unauthorised investment advice etc. 
    Companies also are I would expect somewhat sensitive to not signing
    everything for similar reasons as those behind their retention
    policies where they have policies of deleteing emails, files and
    shredding paper files after some period.
    In addition PKIs because of the infrastructure requirements have
    probem complex to setup and administer.  So now we've taken one hard
    problem (stopping spam) and added another hard problem (hierarchical
    PKI deployment) and somehow this is supposed to be effective at
    stopping spam.
    In addition unless there is significant financial cost for
    certificates and/or signifcant and enforceable financial penalty and
    good identification and registration procedures enforced by the CAs it
    wouldn't even slow spammers who would just get a cert, spam, get
    revoked, get another cert and repeat.
    Certificate revocation is already a weak point of PKI technology, and
    to reasonably stop spam before the spammer manages to send too many
    millions of spams with a cert, you have to revoke the cert PDQ!
    And finally it all ends up being no more than an expensive
    implementation of blacklists (or I suppose more properly whitelists),
    because the CAs are maintaining lists of people who have not yet been
    revoked as spammers.  Some click through agreement isn't going to stop
    spammers.  Legislation or legal or financial threat is going to stop
    spammers either because any level of registration time identity
    verification that is plausibly going to be accepted by users, and this
    is also limited by the cost -- higher assurance is more cost which
    users also won't be willing to accept -- will be too easy for the
    spammers to fake.  And email is international and laws are not.
    It is pretty much an "internet drivers license" for email.
    I also think that fully distributed systems such as hashcash are more
    suitable for a global internet service.  My preferred method for
    deploying hashcash is as a token exempting it's sender from bayesian
    filtering, and any other content based or sender based filtering.
    That way as an email user you have an incentive to install a hashcash
    plugin http://www.cypherspace.org/hashcash/ because it will ensure
    your mail does not get deleted by ever-more aggressive filtering and
    scattergun blackhole systems.  The camram system
    http://www.camram.org/ is a variant of this.
    It also more directly addresses the problem: it makes it more
    expensive for spammers to send the volumes of mail they need to to
    break even.
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