FC: Electronic voting in Ireland encounters criticism

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 23:31:45 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Thomas Lipscomb on CIA Phoenix Project, U.S. history"

    From: "adam beecher" <listsat_private>
    To: "Dave Farber" <daveat_private>, "Declan McCullagh" <declanat_private>
    Subject: Electronic voting in Ireland
    Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 21:45:25 +0100
    Hi Declan, Dave,
    Both of you have posted commentary on electronic voting on your lists
    recently and in the past, I thought the message below might be of interest
    to your subscribers.
    I don't strictly agree with Margaret's goals, in that I don't object to
    Nedap/Powervote specifically, but more the lack of oversight and
    transparency; nor do I object to products developed outside of Ireland being
    used here if the attributes mentioned above are present. But I do believe
    very strongly that all electronic voting in Ireland should be suspended
    until we know a hell of a lot more. Full source disclosure should be a
    Elections have already taken place using this equipment in some
    constituencies in Ireland, and our Government has made it clear that they
    intend implenting it across the board at our next major election, which
    takes place next year. Just like most other countries, public services in
    Ireland tend to plod along, and changes can take years, even decades, to
    take hold. Needless to say, the speed with which this has been implemented
    is raising eyebrows.
    The Irish Government passed a data retention directive last year*, in a
    Cabinet meeting with no oversight from even the members of their own
    parties. This happened before European legislation was fully drafted, and
    has raised objections and even threats of legal proceedings from our own
    Data Protection Commissioner. In light of this, you don't need to be a
    conspiracy theorist to start drawing ugly conclusions.
    * http://radio.weblogs.com/0103966/2003/05/26.html#a2327
    -----Original Message-----
    From: iiu-adminat_private [mailto:iiu-adminat_private]On Behalf Of
    Margaret McGaley
    Sent: 28 May 2003 19:35
    To: ilugat_private; e-votingat_private; iiuat_private;
    SAGE-Announceat_private; saresat_private; gliceasat_private
    Subject: [IIU] [E-voting] Electronic voting
    To whom it may concern,
    E-voting poses a threat to our democracy. This is my conclusion after 5
    of research into the topic for my undergraduate thesis. My results are
    available online at
    I hope to mount a campaign over the next few months with the following
    - to prevent the use of the Nedap/Powervote system in Irish elections,
    - to prevent the purchase of any more equipment or software from
       Nedap/Powervote by the Irish government, and
    - to convince the government that any electronic voting system used in this
       country should be developed here, using formal methods[1] and the Mercuri
       method[2], and should be open source.
    If you would be interested in getting involved in such a campaign, or have
    advice/comments, please contact me at
    or join (or mail) the mailing list
    by going to
    Please forward this mail to anyone you think may be interested.
    Margaret McGaley
    [1],[2] these terms are further explained on the website cited above
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