FC: Activists at Moveon.org get blocked for spamming

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 05:14:43 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Airline reservation systems use Soundex to snare innocent people"

    Date: 6 Jun 2003 15:04:31 -0000
    Subject: [ST #179546]:postmaster: moveon.org / spamblock
    In-Reply-To: <rt-179546@Support Tracker>postmasterat_private
    From: "Outblaze Postmaster via RT" <postmasterat_private>
    RT-Ticket: Support Tracker #179546
    Reply-To: postmasterat_private
    To: "'OtherRecipients of Support Tracker Ticket #179546'": ;
    Please DO NOT REPLY to this email.
    This email is being sent to you as a CourtesyCopy
    As you are not the requestor of this problem ticket, any replies
    to this ticket will be ignored.
    Please DO NOT REPLY to this email.
    You say moveon.org sends only solicited mail to people who sign up for your
    activist alerts.
    I can assure you that our webmaster account webmasterat_private did not sign up
    for this.
    Further, the people that read this account are not located in the USA, and
    therefore would not at all be interested in taking part in a march on the
    white house.  As a matter of fact our webmaster team is located in Hong Kong.
      Do I understand that by extending them this invitation, you plan to invite
    them over from Hong Kong, and pay their airfare / hotel and other expenses?
    Hmm - I see that this particular petitioner has also got himself a rather
    large list of webmaster addresses from various other countries (I count a huge
    bunch of Brazilian addresses in the cc field of the spam below, for example).
    Please read http://spamblock.outblaze.com/massmail.html - the guidelines under
    which your IP was blocked
    X-Persona: <webmaster>
    Return-Path: <malbahtanhat_private>
    Received: from web02.moveon.org (web02.moveon.org [])
    by spf3.us4.outblaze.com (8.12.7/8.12.7) with SMTP id h1OEerKY045306
    for <webmasterat_private>; Mon, 24 Feb 2003 14:40:53 GMT
    Received: (qmail 15951 invoked by uid 99); 24 Feb 2003 14:40:49 -0000
    Date: 24 Feb 2003 14:40:49 -0000
    Message-ID: <20030224144049.15950.qmailat_private>
    From: "malbahtanh" <malbahtanhat_private>
    To: bsrochaat_private, tiagorubinhoat_private,
    alunos-lat_private, undisclosedat_private, listat_private,
    allat_private, tarcioat_private, webmasterat_private,
    webmasterat_private, webmasterat_private, webmasterat_private
    Subject: Join me in a Virtual March on Washington
    Mime-Version: 1.0
    Please join me NOW in registering for a Virtual March on Washington
    for February 26th. We are asking Congress to stop the Bush
    administration's rush to war, and to Let the Inspections Work.
    Time is running out.
    With your help, on February 26th, every Senate office will receive
    a call EVERY MINUTE from a constituent, as they receive a
    simultaneous crush of faxes and email. In New York and Washington
    D.C., "antiwar rooms" will highlight the progress of the day for
    national media. Local media will visit the "antiwar room" online,
    to monitor this constituent march throughout the day.
    With your help, every Senate office switchboard will be lit up all
    day with our antiwar messages. This will be a powerful reminder
    of the breadth and depth of opposition to a war in Iraq.
    Just go to:
    Please join me and sign up today. This has never been done
    before. Let's be part of it.
    [pmkat_private - Fri Jun  6 14:48:21 2003]:
     > Hello:
     > You are currently blocking, MoveOn.org's
     > (www.moveon.org) webserver, as a "direct spam source".
     > MoveOn.org sends only solicited mail to folks who have signed up, via
     > the MoveOn.org website, for updates on political issues.  Over 3
     > million people, world-wide, receive MoveOn's action updates.
     > Currently, your users are unable to receive the messages they've
     > requested due to apparent filtering of
     > Could you please remove these filters so that your users can continue
     > to receive the messages they've requested?
     > Thanks in advance.
     > Best,
     > --
     > Patrick Michael Kane
     > We Also Walk Dogs
     > <pmkat_private>
    Date: 6 Jun 2003 15:38:10 -0000
    X-RT-Loop-Prevention: Support Tracker
    Message-Id: <rt-179546-1021408.2.59510664345974@Support Tracker>
    Subject: [ST #179546]:postmaster: moveon.org / spamblock
    In-Reply-To: <rt-179546@Support Tracker>postmasterat_private
    Managed-BY: Request Tracker 2.0.13 (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt/)
    From: "Outblaze Postmaster via RT" <postmasterat_private>
    RT-Ticket: Support Tracker #179546
    Precedence: bulk
    To: "'OtherRecipients of Support Tracker Ticket #179546'": ;
    Sender: postmasterat_private
    Please DO NOT REPLY to this email.
    This email is being sent to you as a CourtesyCopy
    As you are not the requestor of this problem ticket, any replies
    to this ticket will be ignored.
    Please DO NOT REPLY to this email.
    Can you let me know if mailouts from your site will now comply with
    http://spamblock.outblaze.com/massmail.html - especially the part about
    confirmed optin?
    I will now unblock your IP and add you as a point of contact to report any
    further abuse from this IP.  Please note that the block may be reimposed if we
    note any further such issues.
    [pmkat_private - Fri Jun  6 15:28:30 2003]:
     > Hello:
     > [snip]
     > > Hmm - I see that this particular petitioner has also got himself a rather
     > > large list of webmaster addresses from various other countries (I 
    count a huge
     > > bunch of Brazilian addresses in the cc field of the spam below, for 
     > This message was sent when we used to have a 'passalong' feature on
     > the website.  We now use mailto: links instead, to avoid users using
     > the webserver as a relay.  Please remove the block.
     > Best,
     > --
     > Patrick Michael Kane
     > We Also Walk Dogs
     > <pmkat_private>
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jun 11 2003 - 07:46:06 PDT