FC: Democratic-Republican rivalries complicate anti-spam laws

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 22:27:34 PDT

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        Spam fight divides on party lines
        By Declan McCullagh
        July 9, 2003, 8:35 PM PT
        (news analysis) Once thoroughly bipartisan, the debate in Washington
        over how to reduce the flow of bulk e-mail is pitting Democrats
        against Republicans, a development that threatens to complicate
        enactment of laws regulating spam.
        Politicians on Capitol Hill have realized that their constituents are
        fed up with the ever-increasing deluge of unsolicited e-mail, and most
        legislators appear to favor Congress taking some sort of action. But
        disagreements about what action is wisest have erupted along
        traditional political fault lines that pit Republican values against
        those cherished by Democrats.
        On Wednesday, bickering erupted during a meeting of two House Energy
        and Commerce subcommittees over which of two bills--one backed largely
        by Democrats and one supported almost entirely by Republicans--would
        do a better job of reducing spam and punishing spammers.
        One complaint Stupak lodged against the Republican-backed rival bill
        is that it expressly prohibits class action lawsuits, a favorite of
        trial lawyers, whose deep pockets make them hugely valued contributors
        to the Democratic Party. An analysis performed by Common Cause for the
        2000 election cycle calculated that trial lawyers favored the
        Democratic Party over the Republican Party by a 40-to-1 margin for
        soft money contributions, giving a total of $14.5 million to the
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