FC: Ross Stapleton-Gray on state department sharing visa info

From: Declan McCullagh (declanat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 11 2003 - 21:07:16 PDT

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "FC: Scott Matthews and EFF on Salon about file-sharing rhetoric"

    Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 00:08:29 -0700
    To: declanat_private, politechat_private
    From: Ross Stapleton-Gray <amicusat_private>
    Subject: Re: FC: State Department sharing JPEG visa photos with CIA,
    In-Reply-To: <>
    At 01:20 AM 9/9/03 -0400, Nick Kralevich wrote:
    >What's interesting about this year's change is that all applications are
    >now submitted electronically.  Included with each application is a JPEG
    >photo of the person submitting the application.
    >In the past, even the paper versions of the Diversity Visa have been
    >subject to privacy concerns.  Now that the data is being submitted
    >electronically, one can only imagine how the data may be abused.
    But this pales in comparison to plans to open up State's holdings of visa 
    applicant information to law enforcement, as reported in the NYT back in 
    NATIONAL DESK | January 31, 2003, Friday
    Database to Police Officers
    By JENNIFER 8. LEE (NYT) 946 words
    Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 12 , Column 1
    ABSTRACT - American law enforcement officials across country will soon have 
    access to database of 50 million overseas applications for US visas, 
    including photos of 20 million applicants; database will provide personal 
    information and is central feature of computer system linkup, scheduled 
    within next month, that will tie together State Dept, intelligence 
    agencies, FBI and police departments; photo (M)
    That article is now in the NYT archives, so it'll cost you to retrueve it, 
    but I don't recall any discussion there of oversight, or any proposal for 
    monitoring, e.g., to detect if some deputy sheriff posted near the Mexican 
    border is combing records for candidates to put the squeeze on to be drug 
    mules, say.
    Ross Stapleton-Gray, Ph.D., CISSP
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