[Politech] Privacilla assails anti-RFID activists as hysterical [priv]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 06:30:15 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "[Politech] John Ashcroft says PATRIOT Act "honors" liberty and freedom [priv]"

    From: "Jim Harper - Privacilla.org" <jim.harper@private>
    To: <declan@private>
    Subject: FW: Privacilla Criticizes Anti-Commercial Screed Against RFID Tags
    Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 13:55:40 -0500
    Maybe this is interesting to you or Politech.  I have the report if you 
    want a copy, but it is embargoed until 7:00 pm tonight.
    RFID tags are the new “cookies.”  I just don’t see any “there” there.
    Jim Harper
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jim Harper - Privacilla.org [mailto:jim.harper@private]
    Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 1:50 PM
    Subject: Privacilla Criticizes Anti-Commercial Screed Against RFID Tags
    The elegant Web version of this release is at: 
    Happy Friday afternoon, everyone! . . .
    For Immediate Release
    November 14, 2003
    Contact: Jim Harper
    (202) 546-3701
    Privacilla Criticizes Anti-Commercial Screed Against RFID Tags
    Paper Contains More "Science 'Fantasy'" Than Legitimate Privacy Concern
    Washington, D.C. ­ A position paper on RFID tags being released by 
    anti-commercial groups includes more science fantasy than legitimate 
    privacy concerns, according to privacy think-tank Privacilla.org.
    In advance of a weekend conference on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) 
    tags, a group of activist groups are issuing a paper alleging substantial 
    privacy concerns related to the new technology. One of the groups endorsing 
    the report is the ACLU, which has publicly 
    <http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,80267,00.html>exposed the e-mail 
    addresses of activists, and was recently fined by the New York Attorney 
    General for privacy violations.
    RFID tags are tiny chips that can be used to track the movement of freight, 
    consumer products, or other items, allowing them to be delivered to 
    consumers at lower cost.
    "The report is as much science fantasy as legitimate privacy concern," said 
    Jim Harper, Editor of Privacilla.org. "In this report, RFID readers on 
    freeways read tags embedded in shoes and transmit the information to 
    satellites. Yes, shoe-tracking satellites circling the globe."
    In actual consumer applications, the tags will be readable to a distance of 
    around five feet. Thus, once most goods leave a store, they will have been 
    scanned for the last time. If an RFID tag were scanned a second time, sewn 
    into a piece of clothing, for example, the tag reader would not know 
    whether it is on a person or in a trash bag, much less who was wearing it 
    or carrying it.
    "A good imagination can come up with concerns about RFID tags, but concerns 
    about commercial use of RFID tags fall apart under real-world analysis," 
    said Harper. "Under any scenario, there just isn't going to be post-sale 
    data-collection about the movement of canned peaches."
    "This is important because bogus anti-RFID hype can really harm consumers," 
    continued Harper. "The sooner this technology can lower the price of baby 
    formula and diapers, the better."
    Each concern listed in the report is premised on RFID tags being linked to 
    particular people at the point of sale. This could be done by linking check 
    payments, credit cards, and bank cards to purchases. The same potential 
    exists today with the bar codes on nearly every consumer product today.
    "If it worries consumers, they'll carry cash," said Harper. "This isn't 
    rocket science."
    To the extent real consumers have concerns about RFID tags, they will ask 
    for and get the protections they want in the marketplace. Because of 
    consumer perception and demand, companies and stores today offer foods and 
    products that are organic, non-genetically modified, or free of animal 
    "If consumers care, there will be 'RFID-free' products and stores. 
    Deployment of RFID tags for the rest of us should not be slowed by 
    activists with a self-indulgent hyper-privacy agenda."
    In passing, the report expresses concerns about government use of RFID 
    tags. Governments have unique power to collect and use information 
    adversely to citizens' interests. People do not have consumer power when 
    they are dealing with government entities.
    "This report should have been inverted," said Harper, "The 'consumer 
    concerns' should have been mentioned in passing, and potential use of RFID 
    tags for government surveillance should have been the primary focus."
    (<http://www.privacilla.org/index.html>http://www.privacilla.org) is an 
    innovative Web site that captures "privacy" as a public policy issue. 
    Privacilla has been described as a "privacy policy portal" and an "online 
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