[Politech] Why the Fed spam law is probably pretty problematic after all [sp]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Sat Nov 22 2003 - 16:34:40 PST

  • Next message: Declan McCullagh: "[Politech] Why Fed spam bill is a "critical law, " from America Online [sp]"

    From: "Sanford Olson" <solson@private>
    To: "Declan McCullagh" <declan@private>
    References: <20031121161312.A519@private>
    Subject: Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti-spam bill [sp]
    Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 17:38:46 -0600
    Hi Declan,
    I'm no lawyer, and that is certainly a long document with all kinds of
    But, my concern is "...as long as the messages are obviously advertisements
    with a valid U.S. postal address or P.O. box
    and an unsubscribe link at the bottom."
      - Most spam *messages* are already obviously advertisements.  They just
    have misleading/misspelled subject lines.
      - Whose valid U.S. postal address?  Anyone's?  "1600 Pennsylvania Ave" is a
    good one to use.
      - Most spam already has an unsubscribe link at the bottom, but it is just
    used by the spammers to learn that the e-mail address was a good one and
    that the receipient is gullible.
    Sanford Olson
    Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 17:38:05 -0600
    To: hclp@private, Declan McCullagh <declan@private>
    From: Parks <parks@private>
    Subject: Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti-spam bill
    Is this the "camel's nose under the tent" end of internet anonymity, where
    the government ultimately requires everyone to have a valid internet
    account veified with a biometrioc ID?
    A "valid U.S. postal address or P.O. box" now reqiires an ID - thanks to
    Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 15:21:58 -0800
    To: Declan McCullagh <declan@private>
    From: Steve Schear <s.schear@private>
    Subject: Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti-spam
       bill [sp]
    Cc: cypherpunks@private, asrg@private
    At 04:13 PM 11/21/2003 -0600, Declan McCullagh <declan@private> wrote:
    >A copy of the bill is here:
    I interpret paragraph 1037(a)1 - 5 as possibly prohibiting the use of 
    anonymous remailers, or proxies and nyms in registering email accounts, for 
    the purpose of commercial speech.
    Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 14:06:18 -0800 (PST)
    From: hypatia popol <heartofhearts2001@private>
    Subject: Re: [Politech] Congress finally poised to vote on anti-spam bill [sp]
    To: Declan McCullagh <declan@private>
    I'm sorry Declan, I really don't see the difference than what spam I get 
    now. I would have to open 20 to 40 spams a day and say "unsubscribe" which 
    takes a long time the way they have it spamming me now. What is the 
    difference? I don't know, I just don't see how it will help anything and I 
    am in California.
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