[Politech] Is "permission based marketer" another way to say spammer? [sp]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Fri Jan 30 2004 - 06:48:28 PST

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    Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:44:33 -0500
    From: Rich Kulawiec <rsk@private>
    To: Dave Farber <dave@private>
    Cc: declan@private
    Subject: Re: [IP and Politech] "Permission-based email marketers" confused 
    about CAN SPAM law [sp]
    Sigh.  "Permission-based email marketers" is merely a fancy term for 
    As in, for example:
     > loren@private
    Uptilt.com?  Ah, yes.  Spammers.  Already noted on at least these lists of
    spammer domains:
    A bit of discussion about their spamming operation:
    Some example sightings of spam from them:
    The most recent spam from them (from the link just above): January 28, 2004:
    Some example sightings of spam from one of their other domains (up0.net):
    Admits renting lists of addresses (and then trying to scrub them) in this 
    And so on.
    Oh, they might very well comply with YOU-CAN-SPAM: don't know, don't care.
    What I care about is that they have a long history of spamming and have
    thus earned permanent blocking in all mail systems under my control.
    Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 08:18:14 -0800
    To: Declan McCullagh <declan@private>
    From: "Brian W. Antoine" <abuse@private>
    Subject: Re: [Politech] "Permission-based email marketers" confused
       about CAN SPAM law [sp]
    At 07:42 AM 1/28/04, you wrote:
     >            The federal CAN-SPAM law took effect on January 1, and is 
    intended to curb the proliferation of unsolicited emails. CAN-SPAM contains 
    requirements that must be met by all mailers whether an email message is 
    unsolicited or permission based.  Companies sending unsolicited emails must 
    include a clear notice that the message being sent is an advertisement or 
    solicitation, among other requirements.
       And working at the abuse desk of an ISP, the only effect I've seen is
    that it makes idiots easier to identify.  The true spammers have no
    intention of obeying the law, but I've see a few companies who took the
    passage of I-CAN-SPAM as permission to SPAM as long as they complied
    with the opt-out rules of the law.
       They get their a slightly different bounce message than our standard
    one as we blacklist them until the heat death of the universe.
    Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 13:25:47 -0800
    To: Declan McCullagh <declan@private>
    From: Steve Schear <s.schear@private>
    Subject: Re: [Politech] "Permission-based email marketers" confused
       about CAN SPAM law [sp]
    >In a new benchmark audit of 100+ major email marketers, 95 percent include 
    >an unsubscribe process, as mandated by the law.  At the same time, just 56 
    >percent were in compliance with one of the simplest aspects of CAN-SPAM ­ 
    >the new requirement to add a postal mailing address.  The informal survey 
    >will be replicated later in Q1, to determine changes in compliance patterns.
    The new law requires a "valid postal address".  From the USPS perspective 
    this means an address which can receive postal deliveries.  The law does 
    not state that this address must be valid for the SENDER.
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