[Politech] Justice Dept manual on how to preserve "electronic evidence"

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Tue Feb 24 2004 - 22:22:48 PST

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    [Not new but interesting. --Declan]
    Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders
    July 2001
    Computers and other electronic devices are being used increasingly to 
    commit, enable, or support crimes against persons, organizations, or 
    property. This NIJ Guide (NCJ 187736) is intended for use by law 
    enforcement and other responders who have the responsibility for protecting 
    an electronic crime scene and for the recognition, collection, and 
    preservation of electronic evidence. The document is not all-inclusive. 
    Rather, it deals with the most common situations encountered with 
    electronic evidence.
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