[Politech] Weekly column: Invasion of Comcast spam zombies [sp]

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 21:23:25 PDT

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    Attack of Comcast's Internet zombies
    May 24, 2004, 4:00 AM PT
    By Declan McCullagh
    Comcast's high-speed Internet subscribers have long been rumored to be 
    an unusually persistent source of junk e-mail.
    Now someone from Comcast is confirming it. "We're the biggest spammer on 
    the Internet," network engineer Sean Lutner said at a meeting of an 
    antispam working group in Washington, D.C., last week.
    Lutner said Comcast users send out about 800 million messages a day, but 
    a mere 100 million flow through the company's official servers. Almost 
    all of the remaining 700 million represent spam erupting from so-called 
    zombie computers--a breathtaking figure that adds up to six or seven 
    spam-o-grams for each American family every day.
    Zombie computers arise when spammers seize on bugs in Microsoft 
    Windows--or from naive users who click on attachments--to take over PCs 
    and transform them into spambots.
    Comcast users send out about 800 million messages a day, but a mere 100 
    million flow through the company's official servers.
    No hard numbers exist, but some estimates say that about one-third of 
    spam comes from zombie computers with broadband connections. The owners 
    of the zombie PCs typically don't even notice what's happening.
    Because home computers are more likely to be infected than business PCs, 
    and because Comcast has about 6 million high-speed customers, it may 
    have been inevitable that the cable provider became a haven for 
    remote-controlled zombies that churn out junk e-mail.
    Lutner pointed to IronPort Systems' statistics for comcast.net. It shows 
    that while the company's six official mail servers have a monthly 
    outgoing e-mail index of 6.2, there are at least 44 Comcast subscribers 
    with similar scores of 5.8 or higher. Overall, Comcast is the single 
    biggest source of all types of e-mail, with a higher volume than the 
    next two, Time Warner's Road Runner and Yahoo, combined
    [...remainder snipped...]
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