[Politech] Will synthetic biology spawn biohackers?

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 22:18:36 PDT


Experts worry that synthetic biology may spawn biohackers
By Chappell Brown
EE Times
June 29, 2004 (1:00 PM EDT) 	

HANCOCK, N.H. — Design automation systems tailored to the task of 
genetic engineering could prove to be double-edged tools. While they 
represent a central thrust of the emerging synthetic biology movement, 
they also can lead to the accidental or deliberate creation of 
pathogenic biological components.

One expert in the field, Harvard University genetics professor George 
Church, compared the potential misuse of synthetic biological designs 
with the danger posed by nuclear weapons. But there is one important 
difference, in his view — it is much harder to build a fusion device 
than to genetically engineer a pathogen. And the complexity of 
biological processes also increases the danger of accidents.

By reducing the molecular biology of the cell to a list of standard 
modules with predictable behavior, professional biodesigners could 
engineer molecular machines in much the same way that system-on-chip 
designers create silicon systems. Just as a circuit designer does not 
need to be an expert in silicon physics and manufacturing processes, the 
future biodesigner will not need a detailed knowledge of biochemistry to 
effectively create complex biochemical machines.

"Even if we don't have bioterrorists and teen-age biohackers, we will 
still create things that do not have the properties that we thought they 
would," Church said. The problem is that the body has not evolved a 
general ability to fend off artificial biological agents. "Even if you 
are genetically resistant and even if you are recently immunized you 
will have problems with this type of bug."

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