[Politech] Another round with ITU's Richard Hill on ICANN, governance

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 21:09:36 PST

[These are two threads that spilled over from Politech to an ICANN 
mailing list. I've separated the two with asterisks. Thanks to Richard 
for participating in them. --Declan]


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: [ga] Re: [Politech] ITU's Richard Hill on ICANN's $.75 fee
and Net governance
Date: 	Mon, 10 Jan 2005 09:13:04 +0100
From: 	<richard.hill@private>
To: 	<hdierker2204@private>, <jwkckid1@private>, <declan@private>
CC: 	<ga@private>, <ross@private>

It is all rather complex.  Full information can be found at:


ITU-T is the former CCITT, which some might remember for, among other
things, modem standards, as in V.nn.

Within ITU-T work is organized in Study Groups which address broad
topics, see:


Substantive work is done by the membership, who input papers and agree
outputs (Recommendations).

Most ITU staff is located in Geneva, although we do have field offices.

tsbsg2@private is the mailing list for Study Group 2, of which I'm the


Richard Hill
Counsellor, ITU-T SG2 and SG4
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
tel: +41 22 730 5887
FAX: +41 22 730 5853
Email: richard.hill@private
Study Group 2 email: tsbsg2@private
Study Group 4 email: tsbsg4@private

     -----Original Message-----
     *From:* Hugh Dierker [mailto:hdierker2204@private]
     *Sent:* Sunday, 09 January, 2005 20:16
     *To:* Hill, Richard; jwkckid1@private; declan@private
     *Cc:* ga@private; ross@private
     *Subject:* RE: [ga] Re: [Politech] ITU's Richard Hill on ICANN's
     $.75 fee and Net governance

     Perhaps Mr. Hill you could break all this down for us so we get a
     real idea of functioning structure of your group(s). As in what is
     an ITU-T, or an SG2 or 4 or a tsbg2 and What is the office in Geneva
     versus your home country?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	RE: [ga] Re: [Politech] ITU's Richard Hill on ICANN's $.75 fee
and Net governance
Date: 	Sun, 9 Jan 2005 13:03:45 +0100
From: 	<richard.hill@private>
To: 	<hdierker2204@private>, <jwkckid1@private>, <declan@private>
CC: 	<ga@private>, <ross@private>

ITU members, whether governments or private sector, voluntarity pay fees
to ITU.  Each Member State freely chooses the amount to pay.  The level
of fees for Sector Members is set by the Plenipotentiary conference.
The way the ITU budget is spent (priorities, programs, etc.) is
determined at the overall level by Plenipoteniary (every 4 years) and in
more detail by Council (every 2 years).


Richard Hill
Counsellor, ITU-T SG2 and SG4
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
tel: +41 22 730 5887
FAX: +41 22 730 5853
Email: richard.hill@private
Study Group 2 email: tsbsg2@private
Study Group 4 email: tsbsg4@private

     -----Original Message-----
     *From:* Hugh Dierker [mailto:hdierker2204@private]
     *Sent:* Saturday, 08 January, 2005 18:01
     *To:* Jeff Williams; Declan McCullagh
     *Cc:* Hill, Richard; General Assembly of the DNSO; Ross Wm. Rader
     *Subject:* Re: [ga] Re: [Politech] ITU's Richard Hill on ICANN's
     $.75 fee and Net governance

     I am pretty amazed here at the blazen contempt by omission of users.
     Richard Hill should look up "resting on Laurels" in one of his
     American Heritage books (which is anything but). Taxation is the
     taking from an individual to support the infrastructure of those in
     power. Now in democracy we can change those in power, or limit the
     taxation or what it is spent on. In the ITU, UN or ICANN monolithic
     infrastructures we have no such authority. They have placed
     themselves in benevolent big brother status for the good of us
     neanderthals that only carry degrees in arcane matters and life
     As I told an IT worker during a think break, all of your knowledge
     does little good if the end user is left out of the loop. What makes
     perfect sense to a designer may have no application to a user. I
     doubt large pots of frijoles make much sense to a Norwegian, or our
     Asian rice pot to and Conglolese. Similarly 75 cents don't make
     sense to Joe but might to Joe Mega International Corp. I don't like
     this one bit but until it makes my life worse or hurts me in my
     wallet I think I will just comment on it like the rest of you.


     */Jeff Williams <jwkckid1@private>/* wrote:

         Declan, Ricahard and all,

         Nice try to deflect here Richard. What you seem to fail to
         mention is that
         not any or all stakeholders have equal status or can vote on
         issues in
         the ITU and the ITU charges for access to many/most of it's public
         interests documents on it's web site.... Pot-Kettle black if you
         ask me...

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