[Politech] Politech web site changes, RSS and Atom feeds now up-to-date

From: Declan McCullagh (declan@private)
Date: Sun Feb 27 2005 - 22:49:24 PST

This evening I wrote an auto-update utility for Politech so the mailing 
list posts will automatically appear on the web site and RSS/Atom feeds. 
This will take place twice an hour -- as opposed to the 
once-every-few-weeks manual updating that I have been doing since last year.

If you're looking for RSS/Atom info, the feeds are here:

I'm also adding an automatically-updated category view to the web site:

Currently the categories are privacy, intellectual property, taxes, free 
speech, economics, spam, and Internet governance. I haven't created 
separate RSS/Atom feeds for each one because I'm not sure if there's a 

Remember that you can alter your mailing list subscription options, such 
as switching back and forth between a daily digest, here:

Finally, I want to ensure that Politech can be mirrored by 
non-commercial sites as long as posts are given proper attribution and 
no derivative works are created. So list policy will be that posts are 
distributed under the Creative Commons 
"Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0" license:

Politech mailing list
Archived at http://www.politechbot.com/
Moderated by Declan McCullagh (http://www.mccullagh.org/)

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