Re: Safe session IDs

From: Josh Daymont (joshdat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 15:17:37 PST

  • Next message: Hector Herrera: "Re: Safe session IDs"

    The rand(3) function on nearly any commercial OS will be easily guessable
    by an attacker.  Ditto for the remote IP and almost any other "static
    machine state" derived information.  Hopefully you aren't relying on these
    kinds of session Ids to protect anything that holds client information,
    trade secrets and/or credit cards.
    I'd recommend that you look into something allow the lines of Yarrow.
    explanation of the security of the rand(3) call:
    For most operating systems, the rand(3) libcall is implemented using a
    linear congruential generator (LCG).  These kinds of functions are easily
    broken by an attacker after getting only two known consecutive outputs.
    Breaking such a function doesn't involve any advanced math and can be
    easily understood by anyone who knows basic modular arithmetic and high
    school algebra.
    Some newer linux distributions use an additive generator based on the
    random(3) call.  This implementation is slightly more secure than the
    linear congruential generators but is still easily broken in under 100
    known consecutive outputs, making it unusable for generating secure PRNs.
    The math involved in breaking this kind of a generator is even simpler
    than for a LCG.
    Moral of the story:  just because a random number generator advertises
    itself as "more random" or "more secure" than a known insecure PRNG
    doesn't mean that it provides an adquate level of security.
    -Josh Daymont
    On Thu, 10 Jan 2002, Ryan M Harris wrote:
    > What is the most secure way of generating a session number?
    > I have used the following formula in the past.  Is it secure (from a
    > randomness perspective)?  Any way to make it more secure/random?
    > sessionid = md5( <REMOTE_IP> + REMOTE_USER_AGENT> + rand() (5 bytes from
    > here) + microtime() )
    > Ryan M Harris

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