Re: Safe session IDs

From: Hector Herrera (hectorhat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 15:54:17 PST

  • Next message: Jarno Huuskonen: "Re: Safe session IDs"

    At 12:38 PM 10/01/02 -0500, Ryan M Harris wrote:
    >What is the most secure way of generating a session number?
    >I have used the following formula in the past.  Is it secure (from a
    >randomness perspective)?  Any way to make it more secure/random?
    >sessionid = md5( <REMOTE_IP> + REMOTE_USER_AGENT> + rand() (5 bytes from
    >here) + microtime() )
    >Ryan M Harris
    Before I start, you should read chapter 17.14 "Real
    Random-Sequence Generators" in "Applied Cryptography"
    by Bruce Schneier.
    My first piece of advice is to use the actual number of
    random bits that you really need.  Do you really need
    128 bits of randomness?  Won't your web server be able
    to notice that something strange is going on if you are
    getting 2^64 number of requests, each of them with a
    different sessionid, but they are all coming from the
    same source IP???  Even 2^8 requests from the same IP
    should set off alarms.
    The first thing that you need to do is implement a
    method for detecting brute force attacks and to stop
    them before a large chunk of your sessionid keyspace
    is searched.
    Second thing that I am going to say, is that the
    REMOTE_IP and REMOTE_USER_AGENT are completely under
    the control of the end user, that means that those
    variables do not add to the randomness of the sessionid.
    Take them out.
    If you truly wanted random numbers, I would recommend
    that you purchase a dedicated computer with an intel
    810 or newer chipset that has an 82802 firmware hub
    device.  That device has a built-in hardware random
    number generator.  Here is the URL for more info:
    and a search on google returned quite a few different
    solutions with a wide range of price ranges, there is
    even a home made kit that can be made from $40 worth
    of parts ... here is the link to the google search:
    I hope this helps.

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