Re: Security of data in memory

From: Pavol Luptak (Pavol.Luptakat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 18 2002 - 08:27:08 PST

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    Matthew Cline wrote:
    >>On Tue, 2001-12-25 at 13:31, Nicholas Brawn wrote:
    >>>I have a unix program that reads in an encrypted file, decrypts it and
    >>>works on it whilst in memory. What security considerations should I be
    >>>aware of? I'm thinking of things like clearing the decrypted buffer
    >>>prior to exiting, not storing any of the data in a temporary file, etc.
    >On UNIX GnuPG ( can, if installed SUID root, locks 
    >memory pages to prevent them from being swapped out to disk.
    Or CAP_IPC_LOCK should be enough.
    [Pavol Luptak, ICZ a.s.] [Pavol.Luptakat_private] [mobil: +420 724 429787]

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