Updated "flawfinder" version 1.01.

From: David Wheeler (dwheelerat_private)
Date: Tue Jul 02 2002 - 14:35:52 PDT

  • Next message: Jeremiah Grossman: "WhiteHat Arsenal 1.07 Beta Release"

    I've now released flawfinder version 1.01.
    Flawfinder is a static source code security scanner for C/C++
    programs that looks for commonly-misused functions, ranks their
    risk (using information such as the parameters passed), and reports
    a list of potential vulnerabilities ranked by risk level.  Flawfinder is
    open source software/free software, and is covered by the GNU GPL.
    Flawfinder 1.01 has a much larger database of commonly-misused
    functions (its database now covers 122 C/C++ functions),
    including several specific to Unix-like systems and several others
    specific to Windows systems.
    You can get a copy at <http://www.dwheeler.com/flawfinder>.
    You'll need Python to run it.
    --- David A. Wheeler

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