WhiteHat Arsenal 1.07 Beta Release

From: Jeremiah Grossman (jeremiahat_private)
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 10:19:06 PDT

  • Next message: Alfred Huger: "Announcement"

    WhiteHat Arsenal 1.07 Beta Release
    Free download available from:
    === WHITEHAT ARSENAL 1.07 BETA: WHAT'S NEW ===============================
    Over the the last two months, WhiteHat has focused the majority its
    software efforts on improving WHArsenal. The tool is not only more
    powerful, but also easier everyone to use. We have accomplished this by
    drastically renovating and simplifying the user interface to make the
    suite more intuitive for average user. This allows users to save time
    and execute more web attacks quicker than ever before.
    We have posted several screen shots for your viewing pleasure.
    The user interface was not the only point we improved. A few new
    features have been added to make WHArsenal all the more powerful and
    flexible.Among these are "String Manipulation Palette", "Code Snippets",
    combined utility features, completely reworked the HTTP connection
    menu and also added a "Host Header Fix" option. Forced Browsing has seen
    new additions to the search lists, making the scan all the more thorough.
    As always, with your help, we have identified and resolved numerous
    bugs from the previous release. All in all version 1.07 is likely to
    be our single best version improvement to date.
    Finally, for those in attendance at BlackHat 2002 Las Vegas,  WHArsenal
    will appear a few of the presentations.
    As always, WhiteHat continues to solicit your feedback. We rely heavily
    on your input for bugs and feature improvements.
    === WHITEHAT ARSENAL =====================================================
    WhiteHat Arsenal is designed to be the next generation of professional
    web application security audit software.  Architected from the ground up
    to be a generic web application security productivity tool, WhiteHat
    Arsenal provides security professionals and web application developers
    access to the tools they need to make the job of securing web
    applications faster and easier than ever before.
    Currently, for even the most experienced security professionals, it is
    cumbersome if not impossible to quickly and efficiently execute most
    known web application attacks without resorting to quickly written
    custom utilities.  Writing custom utilities during a penetration test or
    formal security review is a waste of time; a security professional's
    time should be focused on actually identifying vulnerabilities and
    resolving them.  Unfortunately, penetration testers and web application
    developers alike lack effective tools to test common, let alone hard to
    find, security weaknesses.  As a result, many mission critical web
    applications are inadequately protected against the increasingly
    prevalent threat of malicious attacks.
    Many experienced information security professionals agree that
    currently available web security scanners, which scan only for known
    vulnerabilities, achieve only limited success as best.  Furthermore,
    these types of tools often result in an enormous overflow of false
    positives resulting in wasted time and effort.  WhiteHat Security
    understands these frustrating shortcomings of the existing tools and the
    increased need for securing the Internet's web applications. WhiteHat
    Arsenal is poised to revolutionize the manner in which web applications
    are penetration tested and secured.
    WhiteHat Arsenal possesses a powerful suite of GUI-Browser based web
    security tools. These endowments make WhiteHat Arsenal capable of
    completing painstaking web security penetration test work faster and
    more effectively than any tool currently available.  Imagine having the
    ability to quickly customize and execute just about any web security
    attack, and having those penetration attempts logged in XML format for
    later reporting or analysis.
    WhiteHat Arsenal makes it possible to quickly focus attention on HTML
    forms, to easily view their inputs, (even the hidden fields), and modify
    them in seconds. It can be utilized to rapidly uncover a vast a number
    of vulnerabilities in any web application by providing the ability to
    perform any of the following attacks faster than ever before:
    Perform the following attacks:
               Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
               Parameter Tampering
               Cookie Poisoning
               URL Manipulation
               CGI Directory Traversal
               Direct OS Commanding
               Meta Character Injection
               SQL Command Injection
               HTTP Request Header Manipulation
               HTTP Request Method Manipulation
               Protocol Manipulation
               and many more variants and combinations...
    WhiteHat Arsenal is about increasing the effectiveness of web
    application security testing and audits, saving huge amounts of time in
    the process. WhiteHat Security is on a mission to improve the way in
    which people build, secure and penetration test web applications.
    The WhiteHat Arsenal download is available from:
    Users must be registered to download (takes 30 seconds).
    === WHITEHAT ARSENAL FEATURES ============================================
    Session Manager:
    WhiteHat Arsenal logs all HTTP Request activities in either XML or HTML
    format. This allows for the presentation of log data to be easier to
    understand, analyze and report on. The Session Manager keeps log files
    organized with an easy to use Session Management system. Create, Edit,
    Delete sessions as well as individual log files. Session Manager makes
    web security easier by allowing organization of multiple independent
    - Page Characteristics Logging XML Logging
    - Web Application Description XML Logging
    - Session Based
    - Spider Continuation
    - Results Limiter
    *Full HTTP Support
    *Enhanced Features
    - Allows on-the-fly editing of HTML Forms.
    - Request/Response header viewing and editing.
    - Advanced control over HTTP requests.
    - HTTP Request XML Logging
    - Session Based
    - 302/301 Support w/ Auto Interface Update
    *Full HTTP Support
    *Enhanced Features
    Forced Browsing:
    Find hidden directories, log files, and backup files which may contain
    useful information quickly, easily and efficiently.
    - Common Directory forcing
    - Common Logfile Forcing
    - Backup file suffix forcing
    - Session Based
    - Response String Searching Support
    - Response Code Look up integration.
    *Full HTTP Support
    *Enhanced Features
    Response Codes:
    Look up the meaning of a particular HTTP Response Code or view a list of all
    HTTP response codes according to the HTTP/1.1 RFC.
    Quickly encode or decode strings, authentication credentials or anything
    else, to reverse engineer applications, perform various discovery
    methodologies, or pervasive attacks. Now made even easier using the
    "String Manipulation Palette".
    - URL Encode/Decode
    - Base64 Encode/Decode
    - ROT13
    - MD4
    - MD5
    - SHA-1
    Code Snippets:
    Added easily accessible snippets of code commonly used by web
    application security
    *Full HTTP Support
    (Ability to modify and manipulate just about every aspect of an HTTP
    - Path
    - Protocol
    - Port
    - Content
    - Method
    - Version
    - Web Auth
    - Request Headers
    - HTTP Fixup Feature
    - Browser Mimick
    - Host Header Fix
    Enhanced Features:
    - Easy to use Web-GUI Interface.
    (Only a recent web browser is required to use everything in WhiteHat
    - Browser Mimicking
    (Mimick the HTTP Request behavior of a standard web browser.)
    - HTTP Fix
    Use libwhisker to "fix" an HTTP Request before the request is sent. The
    fix includes things such as adding a "Host" header, "Content-Length"
    header, etc. Helpful for HTTP compliance.
    - Host Header Fix
    Automatically adds the proper host header to an HTTP request. Need for
    HTTP/1.1 support.
    - Web Authentication
    - SSL
    === WHITEHAT COMMUNITY ===================================================
    WebAppSec Community
    WhiteHat Security has created a new web application security
    information portal and web security community. A place for people to
    read related news, access up-to-date information, and talk web
    app sec stuff.  The archives are full of web application security
    presentations, whitepapers, news, etc.
    WhiteHat Security is asking all those interested to submit news and
    other related information (please be specific to web app sec).  Also if
    you know any good web app sec white paper's and/or PPT material, please
    post those submissions as well.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jul 17 2002 - 10:38:47 PDT