Re: use of base image / delta image for automated recovery from attacks

From: Andrey Kolishak (andrat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 01:17:03 PDT

  • Next message: Yannick Gingras: "Re: Secure Sofware Key"

    take a look at,aid,102881,00.asp
     Andrey                            mailto:andrat_private
    BM> Does anyone do this already? Or is this a new concept? Or has this concept
    BM> been discussed before and abandoned for some reasons that I don't yet know?
    BM> I use the physical architecture of a basic web application as an example in
    BM> this post, but this concept could of course be applied to most server
    BM> systems. It would allow for the hardware-separation of volatile and
    BM> non-volatile disk images. It would be analogous to performing nightly
    BM> ghosting operations, only it would be more efficient and involve less (or
    BM> no) downtime.
    BM> Thanks for any opinions,
    BM> Ben

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