RE: Writing Secure code

From: Matt McClellan (mmcclellanat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 04:41:05 PST

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: Writing Secure code"

    A proposal:
    Since a lot of the discussion on this thread (including my own
    contributions) has focused on semantic issues such as defining "secure
    code", why not take a stab at a working definition for secure code so we
    can get down to brass tacks?
    For starters, let's go with a paraphrase of the definition provided by
    John Viega:
       Code that is not in and of itself exploitable through a flaw
       its implementation.
    with the following stipulations:
    1.  It is not practical to determine whether or not non-trivial code is
    "bug-free".  As stated before, that would require testing all possible
    paths with all possible inputs in all possible environments.  Even if it
    was possible, it would be extremely tedious. :-)
    2.  Generally, the developer can only control how input to the program
    (including return codes, signals, etc) is handled, not how external
    resources function.  For example, the developer can't really do squat if
    Oscar P. Malware trojans libc so that it transmits the data from each
    and every *printf call to his dark black hat lair.
    Matt McClellan               Sr. Software Engineer
    mmcclellanat_private           NFR Security, Inc.

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