RE: Suggestions for third-party code review consultants?

From: Sinan Eren (SErenat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 16:29:50 PST

  • Next message: Darryl Luff: "Re: PGP scripting..."

    If you want someone focused on this sort of thing, I suggest Immunity ( 
    Dave Aitel has done a lot of groundbreaking work in the area of network protocol analysis.
    Sinan Eren
    >From: jet <jetat_private>
    >To: secprogat_private
    >Subject: Suggestions for third-party code review consultants?
    >Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 11:11:35 -0800
    >My client-turned-employer needs someone perform security-related code
    >reviews on a future product.   The product uses a linux kernel, some
    >open source drivers, custom hardware and custom application software.
    >This review will include protocol analysis and implementation testing
    >for a locally developed network protocol, verifying that third-party
    >and open source software have been patched with all available and
    >appropriate patches, and analysis of code that we have written
    >This work would need to be performed on site in Alviso, California.
    >Any suggestions for firms/consultants that have experience in this
    >J. Eric Townsend -- jet spies com
    >buy stuff, damnit:

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