Unix Security Analyst/Architect - Englewood, CO - #623

From: Lori Sabat (loriat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 19 2000 - 12:52:18 PST

  • Next message: Joyce Brocaglia: "Security Analyst - Toronto, Canada - #620"

    Title: Unix Security Analyst/Architect
    Location: Englewood, CO
    Salary: $95k - $110k + bonus + options
    This position reports to the Chief Information Security Officer of the Corporate Information Security Department and is responsible for formulating the global Unix security infrastructure. Duties will include identifying
    security issues, develop solutions and implementation plans, researching and deploying new technologies, managing transition to operational service.  Develop and document security policy.  Respond to security incidents.  Perform security audits as needed and for new acquisitions.  Upgrade and implement an incident response capability for the global security infrastructure.  This Senior Analyst/Architect position will also be responsible for formulating and
    participating in the company's working groups as needed to ensure a successful integration of and exposure to Unix security policies, procedures, and architecture.
    ALTA ASSOCIATES, INC. is the number one recruiting firm specializing in Information Security.  Our diverse client base and extensive industry contacts have produced hundreds of placements in: Security Architecture, Cryptography, Electronic Commerce, Security Engineering and Security Administration.
    If you consider yourself an expert in any area of computer security, contact us for an evaluation of your credentials and career options.  If you're hiring a security expert, utilize our ability to search a vast network of qualified executives.  Provide us with your specifications and we'll assist you in building a top notch security team.
    Contact: Lori S. Sabat, Principal
    e-mail: loriat_private
    Phone: 908-806-8442
    Visit our website: www.altaassociates.com

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