Hi, After following the recent discussion about security jobs, I am wondering about managerial positions that deal with security, either directly or indirectly. As I prefer not to travel too much, I would like to know what kind of opportunities are out there? Also, I used to be a manager, but decided to take a pay cut and became a security analyst to pick up security-related skills. Now that I believe that I am competent in this area (I've always had a strong interest in security, and was at sans twice when I was the IT manager), and want to move back into a managerial position - how difficult is that? And - how the heck do you find a good recruiter? The ones I seem to run into often turn out to be chums (and I don't mean friendly either). And does anyone have any ideas of the salary range of someone with my skills and experience (taking into account that my resume is not a list of things that I have merely seen, barely touched, or have just seen that word)? A copy of my resume is attached below, if you have any comments or leads, drop me a line. RESUME ====== (901) 309-3073 b0fhat_private CAREER OBJECTIVE ================ Management position in Information Systems, Strategic Planning, or related, with advancement opportunities. CAREER SUMMARY ============== 10 years experience in supporting user and organizational needs on the Internet and Intranet. Effective use of leading edge technology and in depth knowledge of Internet technology and security. Strong planning, budgeting, technical and management skills. Hands on technical ability. Strong ability to make effective decisions. Very strong hands on technical knowledge. Good knowledge of Asian market, culture, languages and values. MANAGERIAL EXPERIENCE ===================== Previous Company. ---------------------------------- IS Operations Manager, August 1997 - December 1999 Responsible for 24x7 operations, 4 remote sites, 1000 users and 400 workstations. Trained and motivated staff of 12. Improved productivity, accuracy and efficiency. Classification error rate dropped from 80% to 7% and allowed employee base to be significantly streamlined. Improved reputation of company by significant reduction in Customs disputes. Helped turn around a station that was losing a million dollars a month into the highest revenue generating station. Workflow: Implemented Optika's PowerFlow workflow program using Windows NT/MS SQL Server which streamlined the revenue generating process, tracked productivity gains as well as error rates. Designed and deployed infrastructure and implemented workflow audit. This ensured that specific regulatory and customer requirements are met, significantly reducing the volume and dollar amount of Customs disputes. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Initiated a custom in-house CRM project that managed customer and regulatory requirements for processing import shipments. Phase I was completed, tested and rolled out to production in one month with minimal development budget. Eliminated manual and error prone process and inefficient paperwork flow. Created competitive advantage by significantly decreasing error rate. Improved customer service and accuracy of process. Used Apache Web Server running Java servlets interfacing with an Oracle 8i database running on Linux. Imaging/Paperless Project: The Paperless project included the Imaging Project, which kept a database of all paperwork filed with Customs on the behalf of FedEx. Oversaw the growth of the database from 50 Gigabytes to 1 Terabyte. Managed the Optika Imaging suite running on NT and NetWare servers as well as the MS/SQL server. Developed and implemented a service that interfaced with FedEx's Extranet that improved data availability and reduced turn around time. Removed the need to fax 15,000 to 20,000 pages of Customs forms daily. Made redundant more than 50 fax machines and fax lines, resulting in annual cost savings of at least $200,000. Increased productivity gains and reduced error rates. Used the available Novell NetWare infrastructure resulting in ease of integration into the business process. Standardized Desktops/Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Reduction: Stabilized servers by migrating mission critical imaging software to a suitable environment. Reduced server crash rate from twice a week to on a year. Excluding revenue losses, costs savings were $400,000. Standardized company network by using ZENworks that allowed efficient and uniform software rollout and enabled a secure roaming environment. Reduced individual PC rebuild time from 4 hours to less than one hour. Also allowed for paralleling rebuilds, so a trained technician can rebuild up to 10 PCs in 2 hours. Annual cost savings of $400,000. Intranet: Implemented automatic exchange rate update on a retired server. Freed up 2 employees from the manual process within the first week. This web server was further developed to be the standard information distribution channel and the CRM process detailed above. The Apache Web Server running on Linux was used. Excluding other savings, the automatic exchange rate process generated annual cost savings of $60,000 and eliminated errors in the exchange rates. PROFESSIONAL/TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE ================================= Current Company. -------------------------- Senior Data Protections Analyst, Information Security Engineering, December 1999 - current Responsible for system integrity and data security. Worked closely with the Firewall/IDS group to ensure end to end coverage. Created policies and procedures. Application security evaluation. Enterprise Account Management: Analyzed and developed requirements. Created specifications and RFP. Created single sign on interface requirements. Single Sign On: Analyzed and developed requirements. Created specifications and RFP. Created and ran test scenarios. Designed enterprise architecture. Installed and evaluated Tivoli's Policy Director. Installed, evaluated and running a pilot of Securant's ClearTrust. Integration with internally developed applications. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Deployed test infrastructure. Supported production system including clustering and backups/disaster recovery. Enterprise secure email. Planned and developed international deployment of PKI. Analyzed PKI vendors for potential external PKI implementation. Digital Certificates are distributed via roaming profiles, final rollout will be to 180,000 employees worldwide. Integration with Single Sign On. ComputerBiz, Nashville, TN -------------------------- Consultant, September 1996 - July 1997 Introduced bar-coding technology while consulting with the Document Storage Division of First American Banking Corporation. Analyzed the workflow and reduced data entry from 3 to 4 minutes per file to about 3 seconds. Increased accuracy, productivity, revenue and reduced temporary-staffing requirements. Improved accuracy to 100% and monthly personnel savings were $30,000. Developed reporting automation and customized billing process into automatic monthly cycles. Overall maintenance and administration of LAN connected to interoffice WAN. Statistical Services, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN -------------------------------------------------------- Graduate Assistant/LAN Administrator, January 1995 - December 1995 Responsible for the departmental LAN which consisted of Sparcs, PowerPCs/Macs and Intel boxes. Installed and upgraded the servers from Solaris 2.2 to 2.4. Installed and configured NFS, sendmail, apache and ftp for use by clients. Developed documentation a training guides for end users. Computer Services, University of Memphis, TN -------------------------------------------- Programmer/Consultant I, January 1992 - June 1994 Managed the University-wide Help Desk. Supervised student workers. Provided second-level end user support to the entire University population of 20,000 users. Assisted users in backup and restoring files on the VAX/VMS system as well as accessing BITNET and Internet services. Developed documentation for use by the help desk as well as end users. TECHNICAL SKILLS/CERTIFICATIONS =============================== Education/Certification ----------------------- MBA in Management Information Systems, University of Memphis, 1995 - 1996 BS in Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, 1991 - 1994 Certified NetWare Engineer, Certified Workflow Engineer, Microsoft Certified Professional Classes and Courses Taken ------------------------- University of Memphis: Modern Database Management; Systems Analysis and Design Methods SANS: Unix Network Security; Writing Secure Programs; UNIX Security: Threats and Solutions; Unix Security Tools and their Use; DNS and Sendmail for the Enterprise; Unix Network Programming; Windows NT Security: Advanced Topics NFR: Installation and writing backends Oracle: Oracle8 Database Administration Optika: PowerFlow Hardware and Operating Systems ------------------------------ UltraSparcs; Sun Servers (E250/E450); Compaq Servers; HP Servers; PC Workstations, HP Optical Jukeboxes SunOS; Solaris; Linux; OpenBSD; NetWare 3, 4, 5; Windows NT, Windows 2000 Miscellaneous ------------- Very familiar with Open Source solutions Network and security planning and implementation High-Availability (HA), backups and disaster recovery Integration of Unix, NetWare and NT systems Used and deployed various network security infrastructure including cops, tripwire, satan, saint, tcpwrappers, snort Familiar with Internet standards such as TCP/IP, HTML and RFC's Advanced Unix Administration skills PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS AND INTERESTS ======================================= Active participant in UseNIX, Sage, SANS, MENSA LANGUAGES ========= Spoken: Malay, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese) and English Read: C, Java, Perl, shell scripts, SQL
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