Re: Experience with this list.

From: Andreas Antonopoulos (marvinborgat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 04 2001 - 07:27:28 PDT

  • Next message: M. Martins: "Experience with this list."

    I posted a resume a few times at the height of the "recession", looking
    for work in NYC. This list was the most successful resource for my job
    hunting. It eventually led to contact with 4 companies, 3 interviews
    and 3 job offers. I took one of these offers and I am now employed!
    Furthermore, I know of several people who work in this field who regularly
    read this list for resumes and look out for good candidates. Many companies
    have referral bonuses for referring successful candidates, and I read
    this list for that reason even though I already have a job.
    Andreas Antonopoulos
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