Network Security position in California

From: Sinead C Mc Donnell (Sineadat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 19:57:18 PDT

  • Next message: rohit sharma: "resume"

    My Client is  providing a new generation of  network control solutions.
    The software, co-developed
    with a  major Wall Street financial services firm, delivers secure
    network control of IP-based network
    services and devices, even across the public Internet.
    They have four offices nationwide and the position will be based in
    Silicon Valley California
    Duties : Network Application Engineer/Security Consultant
    Gather detailed customer requirements for custom add-ons to system (1.
    Device modules, 2. Security Service Modules, 3. Integration modules)
    Then  Develop & design specifications based on such requirements,  .
    Develop custom modules as per these specifications,  Deploy the system
    and these custom modules in the customer facilities,  Train customers on
    the use of the software and custom modules
    Required Skills and Experience
     Strong professional services experience
     Strong requirements analysis and design specification experience
     Strong network security experience
     Strong network administration experience
     Strong Unix scripting (preferably Tcl) experience
     Strong HTML/CGI experience
    Excellent compensation and benefits. The company has requested word
    format versions of the
    resumes if possible and if you know someone who would be interested in
    this role please feel free to pass this email and my contact information
    along. They also have one senior Sales Engineer position open - they are
    looking for an individual with a background in engineering/professional
    services  and strong sales experience
    I look forward to talking with you.
    Kindest Regards
    Sinéad Mc Donnell
    408-452-8888 Office
    408-832-3405 Cell Phone
    Sinéad C Mc Donnell
    408-452-8888 Office
    408-832-3405 Cell        IT Recruitment
    I consider every day to be lost, in which I do not make a new
    Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jun 19 2001 - 21:17:21 PDT