Experienced NSM/Security consultant with recent Secret Clearance available...

From: Mickey S. Olsberg (molsbergat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 04 2001 - 17:20:31 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Johnson: "Start-up internet security firm seeks experienced Sales Executive"

    I am sending this email out to my security peers on this list in the
    hopes that some assistance can be garnered in my job search. I was laid
    off from an Ebiz/Systems Management integrator on 1Jun2001 and like many
    of my IT brethren have not had great luck landing a new position. I have
    over ten years working experience in computers and networking with two
    and a half spent contracting to the US Military. My primary focus during
    that contract was Secure Computing Corporation's Sidewinder firewall
    product, which I currently use at home. I am also experienced on both
    Windows and UNIX platforms, with a recent focus on HP OpenView and
    CiscoWorks network management solutions. If you have or know anyone who
    would have a need for an experienced systems/network engineer please do
    not hesitate to email me off-list for a copy of my resume. Thank you
    very much for your time and have a wonderful day!
    Mickey S. Olsberg

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