Security Analyst position NY/NJ

From: hleviat_private
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 02:18:41 PST

  • Next message: lbeattyat_private: "I am seeking a security position in the NoVA area"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    Our client is a Jersey City Financial Services firm that 
    is looking to hire a med level security analyst with 3-5 
    years experience.
    Responsibilities include: Research and analyze 
    technical vulnerabilities to gain an understanding of 
    exploitation techniques and impact to existing 
    systems. Identify new sources of security-relevant 
    information. Research vulnerabilities from all existing 
    validated sources and develop synopsis of core 
    problem. Quantify ease of exploitation, probability of 
    occurrence, and rewards to exploiter according to 
    pre-determined process. Identify affected systems 
    and location of fix action.
    Salary from 75K-100K
    Please forward resume.
    Hadassah Levi
    YMS Associates
    441 Route 306 
    Wesley Hills, NY 10952

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