Security Clearance

From: Sheron Wright (SWrightat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 10 2002 - 08:32:05 PST

  • Next message: Zaid Dwaikat: "Looking for a security-related job in the DC Metro area"

    Hello Everyone!
    I hope the audience can lend a helping hand with this request.
    My name is Sheron Wright and I work for PeopleBonus.  Many of you 
    have responded to our previous posts and we have been in contact 
    with many of you.  Thank you for your replies!
    I have an associate on the East Coast who has a lot of contracting 
    opportunities for professionals to currently possess (government) 
    security clearance, or has at least held this clearance in the 
    past 2 years.
    The technical nature of these opportunities range greatly, the two 
    real keys are 1) the security clearance and 2) currently living 
    around VA, DC, MD, etc.
    If anyone fits the above description, please feel free to call 
    and/or email Brian Scanlon at 312-397-1433 & 
    Thank you,
    Sheron Wright

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