Re: No Contact

From: Peter Schawacker (schawackerat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 12:48:42 PST

  • Next message: ericc-nospamat_private: "Re: No Contact"

    What do the recruiters say?  When you have made follow-up calls, what
    reasons have been given?  This is not a rhetorical question.  The last time
    I was on the market, I sent out about 100 email solicitations to companies
    that interested me.  I made follow-up calls to about 20 that REALLY caught
    my interest.  Five turned into solid, qualified opportunities and three
    resulted in offers.
    HR people are under resource constraints just like everybody else.  They
    have to wade through people just as we have to wade through products and
    technologies.  If you don't call them, then you're like a company that
    doesn't have a sales force - only direct mail campaigns.  You have to send
    out an awful lot of mail to generate a response.
    My advice to you would be to call every company to which you sent an email.
    Until you have a job, your job is to sell youself.  Once you've made your
    first 3 calls, it will get easy.  Once you've made 10 calls, it may even be
    Finally, once you have found out the real reasons behind the ads/rejections,
    please do post them.  I'm also curious about what's behind the ads.
    Good luck!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: <larrysobersat_private>
    To: <securityjobsat_private>
    Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 12:21 PM
    Subject: No Contact
    > All:
    > Have any of you had any contact on positions that
    > you applied for on-line?
    > I'm asking because I keep hearing how many people
    > are unemployed and that the companies can pick &
    > choose & lowball infosec personnel currently, but I
    > noticed that many positions are sitting out there for
    > months.
    > The same positions keep showing up on searches
    > and I've had to modify my queries to only retrieve jobs
    > that have been posted in the last 7 days (I still see
    > some of the older jobs, because the company
    > reposts them).
    > I've applied for at least 30-40 jobs in the last month
    > and have only received one drop-dead card from HR
    > and an three automated emails upon submisssion.
    > Could this be a case of the lazy HR rep filling the
    > positions but not updating the websites?

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