Re: No Contact

From: ericc-nospamat_private
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 12:53:57 PST

  • Next message: Nick: "Re: No Contact"

    > I'm asking because I keep hearing how many people 
    > are unemployed and that the companies can pick & 
    > choose & lowball infosec personnel currently, but I 
    > noticed that many positions are sitting out there for 
    > months.  
    They're not real positions.
    > The same positions keep showing up on searches 
    > and I've had to modify my queries to only retrieve jobs 
    > that have been posted in the last 7 days (I still see 
    > some of the older jobs, because the company 
    > reposts them).
    > I've applied for at least 30-40 jobs in the last month 
    > and have only received one drop-dead card from HR 
    > and an three automated emails upon submisssion.  
    > Could this be a case of the lazy HR rep filling the 
    > positions but not updating the websites?
    I had a similar hit rate.  Got laid off 6 weeks after 9/11.  Sent 
    around the same number of resumes, all to current (1 week old or less) job 
    postings.  I didn't spam my resume everywhere: everyone I sent was a 
    decent match to the posting.
    I have 10 year's industry experience, solid, marketable (hard) skills, and 
    a CISSP.  Info Security is supposed to be a bright spot in an otherwise 
    down sector.
    That search netted me 1 interview (via, believe it or not), 
    which turned into a job offer which I accepted.  I am very lucky.
    I had a much higher 'hit rate' via networking with my personal contacts 
    (always the best way to go), and got 1 offer that way (compensation was 
    too low), and was close to another offer when I accepted my current 
    I don't know exactly what's going on.  I know that some major recruiting 
    firms keep rolling the same postings over and over each week (updating the 
    posting date, but nothing else).  I watched some go like this for months, 
    while my resume/cover letter submission was ignored.  I'm guessing this is 
    simple resume trolling.
    Other companies have rules requiring an external posting for open 
    positions, even when they have an insider lined up.
    Finally, failing companies want to give the appearance that they're 
    thriving and hiring, even while circling the drain.  My former employer 
    had open positions listed right up until the web site was dismantled.
    The game has changed.  Use the online tools, but that should be one 
    strategy of many.  Leverage your personal contacts to the hilt.  Use 
    non-tech connections as well (family, friends, acquaintances, etc).  Hand 
    your resume to doctors, lawyers: anyone you know who may know a key 

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