Architect / Sr. Architect - Infosec / Java / Internet technologies / HIPAA

From: Larry Kimsey (larry.kimseyat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 05 2002 - 16:55:36 PST

  • Next message: Schmehl, Paul L: "RE: no contact"

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    Covizon, Inc
    Job Title: Architect / Sr. Architect - Infosec / Java, 
    Internet technologies
    Job Location: Northern California SF Bay Area - 
    South Bay.
    Company Description:   Develops software and 
    provides services in the area of Enterprise Risk 
    Management focused towards Infosec.
    Job Description:
    We are looking for someone in an architect / Sr. 
    architect role who is extremely hands-on with Java 
    coding and Internet technolgies. Knows systems 
    modelling tools (such as Rational Rose) and has 
    designed some complex systems. Can breathe and 
    live complex requirements and architecture. The 
    person needs to be involved only on part-time basis 
    presently. Some leading brand-name angels from the
    valley have shown interest, and we need to meet 
    certain deadlines in next two months.
    The product is based on important innovations in 
    security engineering and has potential to create new 
    category of Enterprise software. The company is 
    founded by hotshot security engineering experts with 
    decades of experience and entrepreneurial 
    background. Right candidate will be compensated 
    extremely well and will be considered part of founding 
    Requirements / qualifications are as follows:
    * Someone who has the startup fire.
    * Is a hotshot Java / EJB architect with a minnumum 
    8 years experience.
    * Internet/ Enterprise security engineering and 
    architecture background highly desirable.
    * Formal background in software and quality 
    engineering desirable.
    * Experience with healthcare and HIPAA  (Insurance 
    companies and/ or managed care providers ) 
    Primary Contact Info:
    Larry Kimsey: larry.kimseyat_private

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