Cleared person looking

From: Anthony S. Clark (asclarkat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 04 2002 - 13:56:54 PST

  • Next message: hush puppy: "Moving to Australia, lookng for some advice"

    Hi I'm looking for infosec opportunites almost anywhere.
    I am currently in New Mexico but open to relocation.
    I have 7 years working experience in system administration with a focus
    on security.
    Linux (Redhat and SUSE)
    Windows (all versions except CE)
    and some SGI
    I have a couple of papers out on on intrusion detection and kernel level
    backdoors, I can program
    perl and I really shine at penetration testing and network auditing.
    I am also good at secure system configuration , crypto implementation
    and IDS.
    One benefit to a potential employer might be that I have a few years
    experience in the
    goverment sector and I have an active clearance.
    contact me at this email address if interested and I can send you a
    detailed resume.
    Anthony S. Clark
    505 667 0181

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